2024 Parish Council Minutes of Meetings – Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council (2024)





Councillors: Crawley (Chairman), Roberts, Manderfield, Macer & Topley

There were 4 members of the public

Clerk: Mrs D Manderfield

Item 1 – Apologies for absence

Councillors: Milnes, Dudfield, Maughan & Sandy. All councillors had notified the clerk and the council Resolved to accept the reasons for absence. Although Cllr Farr was absent and hadn’t informed the clerk, the reason for absence was determined and accepted

Item 2 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Field Committee

Cllr Manderfield expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Village Hall Committee

Cllr Topley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Allotment Committee

Item 2a – Grants

At this point Cllr Crawley invited the representatives of the Village Hall and the Playing Fields Committees to speak. Both sets of accounts and reports had been previously circulated to the councillors

• The Playing Field treasurer summarised the accounts and the wish list of the PF committee. She explained that although the finances look relatively healthy at the moment they are expecting large expenses and the motorised equipment is likely to have to be replaced within the next few years. Cllr Crawley fully supported the words of the treasurer and proposed that the grant of £3500 be awarded.

After due deliberation it was Resolved to pay the Playing Field Committee a grant of £3500

• The Village Hall Committee Member summarised the accounts and expressed a pride in the village. He explained how the Scouts now used the hall weekly which has seriously helped with income. The treasurer reported how enthusiastic the new committee were and that they were currently focusing on improving the fabric of the building. Cllr Manderfield added his agreement that the committee were doing a great job.

After due deliberation it was Resolved to pay the Village Hall Committee a grant of £3500

Item 3 – Approval of Minutes of meeting number 4 held on 8th November 2023

It was Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley

Item 4 – To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fulfil the existing vacancy – 2

After due deliberations it was Resolved that Mr Brent Stojanovic and Mrs Julie-Anne Middleditch be elected. Members duly signed the Acceptance of Office forms and Cllr Crawley welcomed them to the Parish Council

Item 5 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting

• We received 2 applications for the first resignation, the vote will be taken tonight

• We received a second resignation, it is hoped we might get more applicants.

• I have written a Co-Option Policy for CFPC as I could not find one in the files

• I have sent out a letter to Lincolnshire Police Authority showing an interest in the Rural Beat Office

• I have received a complaint that the bus shelter in Frieston needs cleaning. I have instructed Lee Ballaam, but as yet have heard nothing back from him

• I have received a complaint from a resident that the bus shelter on the corner of Eastcliffe Square needs hedges cutting around it. I have reported this to Cllr Milnes who has forwarded it to housing and I await their response

• Our litter picker will be turning 18 soon when his wage will increase slightly. This had already been taken into account in the budget

• I received an email from a resident of Frieston Green complaining about the grass cutting done by the subcontractors. I have forwarded this to Cllr Crawley

• I have opened a savings account with unity bank

• I received word that News & Views had received the accolade of Winner of the A5 Best Print Award and 3rd Overall Nationally out of 450 Magazines in the A5 Category

• We have been offered free sand and sand bags from SKDC and I have forwarded the details to Cllr Topley

• Insurance renewal Information Request has been received.

• The insurance runs out in March. I have forwarded asset registers to Social Club, Playing Field Committee and Village Hall Committee for additions/deletions

• I have received notification of a third resignation

Item 6 - Financial Matters

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments.

Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments

Please see Appendix A below

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC accounts

Councillors considered the bank reconciliations and the management accounts, previously circulated, and Resolved to approve both reports

Please see Appendix B below for management accounts

6.3 Update from Cllr Farr – Finance Committee Chair

Cllr Farr was not present at the meeting

Cllr Crawley reported that the grant from SKDC towards the Village Hall roof and still not been received

6.4 Investment Account

The Clerk has opened an investment account with Unity Bank. However, the mandate could not be signed as relevant Cllrs were absent

6.5 Budget/ Precept

Cllr Crawley summarised the budget as it stands at present. The clerk had previously forwarded the budget to all councillors. This was duly discussed and accepted for the present, as there will inevitably be necessary adjustments after year end.

All councillors were fully aware of the cost of living crises and were determined to keep the increase to the precept minimal whilst still maintaining services. After due deliberation it was Resolved to increase the precept by 5.5% to £36090.68

Item 7 Registers

7.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.

It was Resolved to approve this document

7.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.

It was Resolved to approve this document

Item 8 - Project Register Update

8.1 Caythorpe Hall Footpath Re-Route

Cllr Crawley offered to make introductions between the new land owner and the new portfolio holder

8.2 1 Gigabit Broadband

There was no update

8.3 Ownership of the Village Hall

Chattertons have submitted the interest to HM Land Registry and will alert the PC once it has been accepted. Final invoice has been paid

8.4 Village Hall Roof

This project has been completed and invoice paid in full

8.5 Fireworks

Galaxy Fireworks have been booked for 2024

8.6 Burial Ground Levelling

The weather has, again put paid to this project.

8.7 Armada Beacon

Cllr Manderfield & Cllr Macer will be working together to ensure the Beacon is safe

8.8 Electrification of the Church Clock

Time Assured reported that the barrel they have removed needs a new cog. The cost of this new cog will be in addition to their quote. It is hopeful there is enough between the grants to cover this extra cost

8.9 Grit Bin – Arnhem Drive

Cllr Topley has been advised to contact Cllr Richard Davies at LCC to expedite this further

8.10 Sand Bags

These have been ordered from SKDC and will be filled and stored in the barn on Love Lane

8.11 2 Historical Books

Cllr Crawley expressed a wish that 2 historical books of St Vincents Church and The War Memorial be added to the CFPC website. Cllr Stojanovic agreed to investigate whether they were available digitally.

8.12 New Defibrillator

Cllr Macer reported that new pads were required, these were added to the budget

Further investigation resulted in a proposal below

Item 9 - New Proposals.

9.1 Tree Survey

The Clerk had garnered a quote for surveying the trees in the parish from the same surveyor as 3 years ago. It was Resolved to accept the quote of £500

9.2 Police Office

Cllr Crawley expressed a wish for the Parish Council to purchase the Police Office and reported that the clerk has written to Lincolnshire Police on his behalf. As there has not been a response to date the proposal was discussed and will be added to the Project Register for further exploration

9.3 Co-Option Policy

A draft copy was previously circulated to all councillors. It was Resolved to adopt this policy. The clerk will add it to the website policy document

9.4 Replacement Defibrillator

There was much discussion about this and the affect on the budget. There is match funding of £750 through DHSC and supplied by London Hearts. It was a good opportunity to replace the defibrillator in Frieston that has been broken for some time. After due deliberations it was Resolved that the broken one be replaced using the scheme and that an additional one be replaced in the next financial year if the scheme is still available

Item 10– The Parish Environment

10.1 Planning Issues

There are no specific issues

10.2 Report from Cllr Dudfield – Planning Committee Chair

S23/1823 Approved 18th December 2023

Mr & Mrs McNulty

Waterloo Road

Application to build a new bungalow

This application to build a new bungalow in Waterloo Road has now been approved, as we requested the development must comply with the parish plan so be carbon neutral and be fitted with an EV charger. They must also provide the planners with full details of a suitable drainage system before the property is occupied. The planners have also removed the permitted development rights on this development to prevent any extensions or out buildings being added at a future date without going through the planning system.


M & M Willet Home Condition complied with 29th November 2023

Rear of 35 High Street

Proposed pair of semi-detached houses. Confirmation of compliance on time limit to approved planning application S17/1847.

Including myself 3 councillors supported this and one councillor objected.

The decision is the condition had been complied with and therefore the development can good ahead as originally planned.


Ian Braybrook

Frieston Old Hall

Tree work

Including myself 3 councillors supported this application


4 Richmond Close

Extension to bungalow

Including myself 6 councillors supported this application.


Templeway House, 17 Chapple Lane.

Tree work

Including myself 4 councillors supported this application


Old Lantern House, & Chaple Lane

Hedge reduction

Including myself 6 councillors supported this application.

Item 11 – Community Safety

In September there was 1 crime reported, In October,3 and November 6

Item 12 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.

At this point Cllr Crawley suggested it was a good time to allocate portfolios to the new councillors. The Clerk will post the new lists on the notice boards and update the website

12.1 Report by Councillor Crawley

12.1.1 Litter Picking and the Big Clean

The litter picker employed by the Council continues to assist in keeping the villages clean.

The Big Clean team schedule does not appear to be published at present. If there are any areas of concern then please let me know and I will try and get the team to address these when they next visit the villages.

I reported the television that was dumped near the war memorial to SKDC who cleared it promptly.

12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability

Sites for new tree planting are sought as I have a number of trees that have been raised by myself and volunteers that currently have no destination.

A number of trees are under cultivation to replace trees previously planted that have died back. These will be planted by myself and volunteers during the autumn/winter.

Quotes have been obtained for increasing the insulation levels to the Hammond Pavilion and renewing the gutters and fascias and a grant application was made to SKDC. Unfortunately this application was declined, but as the work was needed, this has been ordered with a local contractor (Willwoods). At the time of writing the insulation work is in hand and the work to the gutters and fascia will be progressed as the weather improves.

Complaints are still being received about the smell from Mid UK. They have promised to install an odour suppression system although this may take some time. Complaints about noise from the trammel on the site are also being investigated. Nothing has been heard from them recently

.12.1.3 Playing Fields

Following the receipt of quotes for replacing the bark on the play area with a rubberised material, it was apparent that the cost was prohibitive. The bark surface will be topped up in the spring /early summer.

An extension to the patio area outside the Sports and Social club is wanted and contractors have been approached, and several quotes have been obtained. It appears that Lincolnshire Cricket are unable to help with funding this work. Alternative sources of funding are being explored.

The grant application for replacing the windows and doors at the Hammond Pavilion through the FCC Communities Fund has been declined. A recent committee meeting decided that without grant, this project was not affordable nor achievable, and alternative costs for replacing two sets of double doors and repairing and repainting the remainder of the doors and windows are being sought.

I have obtained an offer for grant funding towards the cost of solar panels and battery storage at the pavilion in excess of £22000 from the UKSPF administered by SKDC. I have prepared a paper for the Playing Field Committee that showed a donation would be required from them of £15000 after deducting their annual grant for 2 years. The payback period for this investment is estimated at 4 – 5 years. At a recent committee meeting there were doubts expressed about the figures provided and also whether the claims made by the contractor regarding generation and storage capacity were correct as well as concerns about the effect this would have upon the Playing Field reserves. I am doing further work to try and answer some of the concerns that have been raised.

A request for financial support from CFPC towards annual costs has been received from the Playing Field Committee.

The next DASH fundraising event is being held on 24th March 2024. There are presently 25 people signed up to take part and the organisers have promised a push to increase the numbers signing up.

Planning for the Gala is proceeding for this year’s event in September.

A second Firework event is being planned for 2nd November 2024. A subcommittee has met to discuss and agree the way forward and will continue to do so as necessary. Galaxy Fireworks have been booked and a deposit paid.

It is believed that the old Police Office has been mothballed by Lincolnshire Police. A letter has been composed and sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner expressing our interest in acquiring this site should they decide to sell it.

12.1.4 Christmas Celebrations

Two Christmas trees were purchased, erected and lit at Frieston lower Green and outside the Church. A carols round the tree concert was well attended with support from local brass musicians. The trees have subsequently been taken down and Sam Barrell has kindly agreed to dispose of them free of charge.

12.2 Report by Cllr Manderfield

12.2.1 Highways

I have continued to report potholes via Fix My Street including Church Lane, Waterloo Rd, Gorse Hill Lane & High Street, most of which have been marked for repair or have been filled.

The road sign on the A607 which had fallen or been knocked over is still to be replaced.

I have contacted SKDC regarding a number of streetlights around the village which are not working, some have been repaired, some are still not working. I have requested an update on the planned work.

12.2.2 Village Hall

I attended the village hall meeting on 28th November.

The repair of the flat roof has been completed.

Numerous events are planned to include the regular breakfast and a film night on Friday 9thth January.

A member of the Village Hall Committee will be attending the Parish Council meeting to put forward their case for receiving a grant as in previous years.

Bank balance as of the 28th November 2023

Savings ac - £42,799.37

Current ac - £5,828.62

Date of next meeting is 29th January.

12.2.3 Beacon

I have spoken to a new contact at SKDC regarding the beacon (the person who I was previously in contact with is no longer at the council).

Lynda is going to update me on a way forward ASAP.

12.5 Report by Cllr Dudfield

Nothing to report further

12.7 Report by Cllr Topley

12.7.1 Grit Bins

These have now been replenished.

12.7.2 Arnhem Drive Grit Bin

I have not seen a response from Penny on this ( or have missed it). I will investigate this again.

12.7.3 Sand Bags

We have now requested delivery of new sand bags and sand. These will be delivered to Ben Ullyotts yard on love lane NG32 3DE. The sand will be delivered in a ton bag with empty smaller sandbags.

So, we have some bags at the ready for any emergency Ben has agreed to provide some under cover space and a pallet to store the bags on. This said I would like to ask for some volunteers to help fill the bags once they arrive. I will let you know as soon as I have a delivery date.

12.8 Report by Cllr Macer

Status: All defibrillators checked: 6th January:

Frieston: Not Working

Old Capel: all OK

High Street: all OK

Sports Pavilion: all OK

Note: Sign moved outside of the Sport Pavilion to above the new notice board

12.9 Report by Cllr Sandy

Nothing to Report

12.10 Report by Cllr Roberts

Nothing to Report

Item 13 - Items of Urgent Business

Cllr Crawley advised that due to the recent high winds 4 of the wreaths were damaged during Remembrance Day. It was Resolved to purchase replacements to the tune of £100.

Item 14 - Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting Number 6 of 2023 will be on Wednesday 13th March 2024

Open Forum

From the 4 members of the public, 2 were elected to office and 2 spoke in reference to the committees they represented. See Item 2a above

Appendix A

Invoice DateInvoice NumberTo WhomParticulars of PaymentTotal Amount
27.10.23Royal British Legion2x Wreaths60
19.10.2381GW King & Sonsgrass cut at Frieston Upper & Lower Greens - 22/8, 8/9, 27/9, 17/10256
19.10.2382GW King & Sonsgarden maintenance at Burial Ground Sept & Oct830
25.10.23251023P&L LeedsNews & Views Expenses80
25.10.23251023P&L LeedsHoodies & polo shirts for N&V logo (from N&V account)37.92
30.10.23301023C&F Sports & Social ClubTENS Licence for fireworks display 4.11.2321
31.10.23T DutfieldTorches for firework event16.98
31.10.23T Dutfieldbarrier tape for fireworks event10.58
8.11.23P StockdaleBugler for Remembrance Day60
22.9.236760Westgate PrintN&V printing Aug, Sept & Oct2298
7.11.23301123P&L LeedsN&V christmas gifts for distributors (from N&V account)200
9.11.23TDPReplacement bench for 'Streeter'484.61
14.11.23Royal British Legionextra wreaths to commemorate the 4 fallen soldiers during WW!! not previously included80
28.11.23P&L LeedsSum up machine (from N&V account)34.80
30.11.23Andy CrawleyBelton Garden Centre repayment for Christmas Tree214.98
24.11.235GW King & SonsFrieston Greens grass cut64
30.11.23301123D ManderfieldClerks Expenses - November18.81
30.11.23301123Willwoodscollect & install 'Streeter' bench100
30.10.231Lee Ballaam5x dog bins+ bags, 1x grass cut125
30.11.232Lee Ballaam4x dog bins+ bags remembrance day cleaning & signage, police station clean & waste disposal325
13.12.23GF3841Galaxy Fireworksdeposit for 2024 firework display900
1.12.23106Y23.24K Humphries and Sons Roofing Contractors Limitedflat roof renewal at Village |Hall Bauder works, roof tiles & coping repairs33480

Appendix B

IncomeBudgetActual YTD
Burial Ground20002450
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant926.64926.64
Income to incorrect Acc (TFR to N&V)857.75
VAT Reclaim1249.821249.82
Income for Earmarked Accounts17338.98
Gala Fundraiser373.61
Donations to N&V4178.85
Completion of Sunshine Bench717500
Burial Ground44003570
Tree Work0.000.00
S111 Associated Power1000.0
News & ViewsS137480320
Defibrilator PadsS1371410.0
Church Clock (service)1680.0
Remembrance Day FlagsS1371000.0
Remembrance Day Wreaths & BuglerS137120200
Christmas Tree, lights & holdersS137420179.15
Additional S137 paymentsS137503.85
VH GrantS13735000.0
PF GrantS13735000.0
Election Costs10087.22
LALC & SLCC540556.43
Office Costs470260.11
Bank Charges144108
VAT to REclaim15007361.45
Staff Salaries101087064.67
TFR to N&V Acc1107.75
TFR to Current Acc277.01
Expenditure from Earmarked Accounts4122734642.56
Misc Donations & Expenese from N&V Acc (authorised by P&L Leeds & CFPC)691.67
S137 per Electorate9.93
number of electorate1080
Total Available to Spend10724.40
Less Used(1203)
Balance Remaining9521.40
Accounts Period End SummaryCurrent AccN&V AccTotal
Opening Bal as at 4.1.2332678.046005.2938683.33
Closing Bal as at 31.12.2330988.504578.0935566.59
Bank Rec as at 31.12.23£30988.50£4578.09£35566.59
2024 Parish Council Minutes of Meetings – Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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