AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (2024)

May 26, 2001
AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (1)

Jerusalem posted:

I love pro-wrestling so much, it's so loving great

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (2) AEW COLLISION/RAMPAGE SPOILERS NEED TO BE SPOILER TAGGED IN THIS THREAD (if Dark returns that too...) AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (3)
They can be openly discussed without spoiler tags in the spoiler thread if you wish. Keep AEW Rampage spoilers out of this thread to be safe. Just talk about them in the Spoiler thread. It is for spoilers.
AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (4)

AEW Dynamite for 7/10 via F4W


AEW Dynamite comes on the air with video of MJF’s promo he cut on Daniel Garcia this past week on Collision. Garcia won’t make it to All In and might not ever wrestle again. He blames fans for choosing people like Swerve Strickland & Will Ospreay and how the only way AEW can be saved is with MJF on top, the fans can thank him later. Once the video wraps, we go to the arena, as Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring and sits in the corner.

Will Ospreay Addresses MJF

Ospreay was disgusted after MJF’s actions last week, but he’s not surprised, as the rumors of MJF being one of the most insecure men in wrestling is true. Daniel Garcia is still at home with no feeling in his arm and whether he’ll return to pro wrestling. MJF talked about his A.D.D., but Ospreay has A.D.H.D. and it’s not an excuse to be a little prick. Ospreay knows MJF doesn’t like him because the Bidding War of 2024 didn’t go his way, as Tony Khan would rather spend money on guys who elevate AEW, not bury it. Ospreay said MJF called him a talentless hack, but said he has more talent in his left nut than MJF does in his entire body. Ospreay reminds people of the identity what AEW was meant to be, the foundation of this place. MJF had a tattoo on his leg that should say All About Myself, as he’s a selfish little prick. Ospreay welcomes the best version of MJF he’s been talking about for years, that level he talks about, Ospreay has been on that level for ages, he’s a skyscraper.

Ospreay called out MJF to the ring and his music hits. Nigel McGuinness tells us that commentary knows MJF isn’t there tonight, but we see MJF on the big screen, sipping wine. MJF said those people don’t allow the privilege of him showing up tonight. MJF brought up the top guys who have fallen beneath his feet. Ospreay is the flavor of the month, while he’s the flavor of the millennium. The fans will see Ospreay’s routine, grow tired and throw him in the trash, as he’s replaceable, the fans will move on to the next “best in the world.” If Ospreay gets in the ring with MJF, he’ll be exposed. MJF doesn’t wrestle for fun, he wrestles for the betterment of All Elite Wrestling. Next week, MJF challenges Ospreay for the International Title. Ospreay won’t be wrestling for stars, he’ll be punching him in the face until he sees them. The video cuts, Ospreay called that adorable before calling MJF a little bitch, accepting the match.

-A video package of the men’s Owen Hart Foundation Finals are shown. Special Enforcer, Jeff Jarrett, is then shown at the entrance ramp standing by the tournament trophy and title that will be awarded to the winner.

McGuinness on commentary (filling in for Taz, who we’re told Chris Jericho once again got banned from the arena) brought up how Jarrett is there for resentment, something he doesn’t condone anyone doing. Danielson is rocking pink and black gear, as Page also walked out from the babyface tunnel and spat at the feet of Jarrett, as McGuinness said Swerve Strickland has made Page this way.

Bryan Danielson defeated Hangman Adam Page to win the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup

(The first three matches in the series between these two were great and this was no different, as the fans were loudly behind Danielson. The story of whether Danielson’s body would hold up was told very well, as Page seemingly had this in the bag, but ultimately failed, at least now, at his quest to get revenge on Strickland.)

Page pounced early after a missed high kick from Danielson, as he zoned in on the taped-up neck. Danielson backflipped out of the corner and sank in a Lance Storm-esque rolling single leg crab, telling the ref he had until five to break. Danielson followed with a dive to the floor, but clutched his neck in pain before going back inside and hitting a shotgun dropkick. Page fired off a big boot and hit a springboard clothesline to the neck before posting Danielson to the floor heading into picture in picture.

It was all Page during break, as he busted Danielson open in the process, slamming his head repeatedly into the ring steps. Danielson tried firing back with kicks until Page blocked one into a spinning sleeper hold. Danielson answered with a rolling arm bar into the LeBell Lock, but Page got the rope break. Page put a stop to the Yes Kicks, planting Danielson with a Saito Suplex. Page took way too long to follow up, getting crotched in the corner, allowing Danielson to hit a brutal Spider German, dropping Page on his head. Danielson missed a diving headbutt, allowing Page to apply a Crossface, but Danielson go the ropes to go to another commercial.

Back from break, Danielson was delivering anvil elbows in the corner. Page exposed the corner cover and drove Danielson face first against the steel before hitting a beautiful moonsault into a Tombstone for a close two. Page wanted a dive, but Danielson sent him crashing to the apron and out to the floor. Danielson pulled off a springboard somersault dive, as Excalibur said he hasn’t seen him do that in a decade. The ref checked on Danielson and was shoved away to deliver Yes Kicks to Page, who has a cut above his forehead. Danielson went for the home run shot, but Page dodged and hit a piledriver on the floor, as doctors, the ref and Jarrett checked on Danielson.

Page shoved the doctor away and pie faced Jarrett, who didn’t take the bait and went back to Danielson, who stumbled around yelling that he has to do this, breaking the count at 9. Page swarmed with punches, ripping the tape from the neck. Danielson dodged a discus lariat and hit the Busiaku Knee into the double down. Slugfest ensued with each man landing on their feet off a German suplex attempt until Paul Turner ate a Busaiku Knee flush, sending him to the floor, allowing Page to hit a discus lariat and whip Danielson with his belt.

Page started choking out Danielson with the belt when Jarrett got in the ring and was shoved down by Page. Jarrett revealed he’s wearing a referee’s shirt and Danielson got a school boy for two. Page escaped the LeBell Lock and hit Dead Eye for a close two. Buckshot Lariat to the neck, but a proper one was countered into a Danielson roll up for two. Page applied a Crossface, as Danielson almost faded, but stayed in it, rolling up Page and getting the flash pin. Page argued with Jarrett before storming out to the back.

Jarrett hugged Martha Hart on stage before accompanying her to the ring to present the Owen Hart Foundation cup and title to Danielson. Hart said it’s great to be back in the Saddle Dome in Owen’s hometown. She said it’s with great pleasure to award the cup and title to Danielson and says they’ll see him at Wembley Stadium for his AEW World Title shot. McGuinness said that’s not his champion. Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana came to the stage as things went to commercial.


Swerve Strickland Returns to Dynamite

Strickland said a few weeks ago Will Ospreay said the best in the world is who holds the AEW World Title. There were some doubters that was Strickland, so he had to silence those and is now the definitive best in the world. Strickland congratulated Danielson on his win and said it’s going to be an honor to face him, even though he still holds a grudge on Danielson holding a pinfall win over him. Danielson is on the downslide of his career, while Strickland is the face of AEW. Strickland brings up The Young Bucks trying to bribe him a few weeks ago to join The Elite for Blood & Guts. Strickland said he’ll be in Blood & Guts, but on Team AEW, as he’ll step up, doing something Danielson failed to do in the past, beating Ospreay and leading Team AEW into beating The Elite.

Strickland brings up those who were selected as the Dynasty of AEW, the International Champion Will Ospreay, Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & himself. Strickland challenges Okada, but never said when and said he’ll show him how to really make it rain. Strickland closes by saying All In will truly be Danielson’s final countdown.

-A video package on the women’s Owen Hart Foundation Finals is shown.


-A music video from The Acclaimed & Daddy rear end on The Young Bucks is shown. This feud needs to pick up big time, as it’s been pretty underwhelming so far.

Chris Jericho (w/Bryan Keith) defeated Samoa Joe in a Stampede Street Fight by referee’s stoppage

Excalibur said doctors couldn’t divulge the condition of HOOK following Jericho throwing a fire ball at him last week. Joe ripped the cowboy hat off Jericho and literally punched through it into Jericho’s face to start the match. Corner enzugiri connected, as Jericho went to the eyes to take control. A whip from Jericho resulted in Joe flying through the ropes, taking out Keith and launching him over the barricade. Jericho followed, slamming Joe into the barricade and used a chair. Back inside, Jericho brought out a bag from under the ring and revealed it to be horseshoes. Jericho tried a bulldog onto them, but Joe turned it into a back suplex and senton. Tony Schiavone got off the line “it’s a ringer!” as Jericho fought back with a low blow kick and applied the Walls of Jericho, which was locked on the entire commercial break.

Joe spun out and clonked Jericho with a horseshoe before lighting him up with punches. Jericho avoided a Muscle Buster and hit a dropkick before waving to the crowd. Jericho dove off the apron, but Joe did the signature walk off and Jericho smacked the steps. Into the crowd they went, as Joe smacked Jericho with some popcorn before heading backstage where Jericho threw a cup of coffee into Joe’s face. Joe dodged a Judas Effect and locked in the choke, but Big Bill appeared from behind and smacked Joe with a chair. Bryan Keith joined in, as Jericho took his belt off, punched Joe with the belt buckle given to him by Martha Hart, as Bill chokeslammed Joe onto a forklift. Jericho ran the forklift through a wall, as referees and Colt Cabana ran up, asking Jericho what the hell he was doing. Joe was not moving, as Jericho, Bill & Keith cackled while the referee announced the match was over and we just went to break. This whole thing kind of ended abruptly.


Samoa Joe was loaded on a stretcher and rushed to an ambulance, as The Learning Tree waved goodbye as it drove off.

PAC defeated Claudio Castagnoli, Kyle Fletcher & Tomohiro Ishii in a Global Glory 4-Way to earn a future AEW International Title match

(This was one hell of a party match tonight, as everyone got in their share of offense. PAC earns a future title shot, but it seems his biggest goal is to be on the Wembley card after being injured and missing last year.)

No entrances here, as they must be low on time, as all four men are in the ring. Don Callis is on commentary, as Ishii & Castagnoli take turns dispatching of Fletcher before slugging it out with each other. Ishii won the exchange, but PAC was there with a top rope dropkick. Fletcher swept the legs out from PAC, who answered with a snap hurricanrana. PAC went for a dive, but ran into a Giant Swing attempt from Castagnoli, which was cut off by Fletcher. Ishii reappeared and hit a series of suplexes before Castagnoli hit a gut wrench suplex to cut off his momentum. With everyone outside, Castagnoli hit a spinning dive onto the pile to head to commercial.

Ishii & Castagnoli and PAC & Fletcher were set up in opposite corners as the camera cut and Fletcher & PAC were just down, as Ishii hit a superplex on Castagnoli for the reset as things returned from break. Forearm battle from everyone, as Ishii just no sold them all and lit each man up with headbutts. Locomotion corner strikes from everyone before Fletcher ate a PAC Poison Rana. PAC ran right into a pop-up uppercut from Castagnoli, who in turn, ran into a headbutt from Ishii. Fletcher hit a spinning Tombstone on Ishii for a close two. Fletcher wanted his corner brainbuster, but Ishii fired off another headbutt. Castagnoli sent Ishii to the floor and did the Giant Swing on Fletcher into the Sharpshooter.

PAC flew in with a top rope elbow and applied the Brutalizer at the same time, as Ishii came in and broke Castagnoli off with forearms. Ishii hit the sliding lariat on PAC and turned Fletcher inside out with a lariat for another close near fall. Ishii’s brainbuster was blocked, as Castagnoli hit a Neutralizer on Fletcher and scrambled for pin attempts with PAC before arguing with each other. PAC hit bounce back Germans on Ishii & Castagnoli before almost getting rolled up by Fletcher for two. PAC got boot up in the corner, went up top and hit the Black Arrow before locking the Brutalizer for the submission.

Post match, PAC took the microphone and said it’s safe to say things haven’t been going well for him lately. Since returning, he’s made bold promises, but suffered many humiliating failures. PAC said it’s All In season and The Bastard won’t be denied his Wembley moment. Let this victory be a line in the sand, The Bastard will be back.

-Renee Paquette is backstage about to talk to Bryan Danielson when Hangman Page storms passed her. Paquette scolded him for not showing her respect before he knocks on The Elite’s dressing room. Okada answers and asks if he can help him? The Bucks walk out and asks what they can do for him? Page simply says, he’ll do it and storms off. The Bucks & Okada seemed very pleased by his answer. Presumably this has to do with being their 5th man in Blood & Guts.

Mercedes Mone Double Championship Toast

Mone didn’t get that big of a reaction walking out as she thanked her boys Matthew & Nicholas Jackson for extra security, so she won’t be interrupted in her celebration. Mone said she’s the past, present and future, the best there is, was and ever will be, which got massive boos. Mone said Britt Baker needs to wake up from her fantasy, as she won’t be facing her at All In. If she did, Mone would leave her for dead. Mone poured a shot to herself before Baker’s music hit and Mone was furious, ordering security to stop her. Baker dropped security with forearms and thrust kicks before just storming passed the rest, hitting the ring, as Mone bailed to the crowd.


-We see Brandon Cutler crawling backstage and see Darby Allin is responsible for the beating. Allin said Jack Perry always says they all need to make sacrifices, right? Allin issues a challenge to Perry for next week on the 250th episode of Dynamite. This was super quick and a weird way for Allin to have his return following Anarchy in the Arena, but I’m happy Allin is back, regardless.

Mariah May (w/Timeless Toni Storm & Luther) defeated Willow Nightingale to win the Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup

(An excellent women’s tournament final, only strengthened by the post-match blindside. The crowd were left stunned, the visual of May standing tall has set the wheels into motion for All In and I can’t wait to see where this continues to go. I thought this was a fantastic job by everyone involved. One of the better women matches, post-match stories AEW has had.)

May with the pink attire, while Nightingale is rocking the black and yellow caution gear as tributes to Owen Hart. Nigel McGuinness made about 8 different Motley Crue references when talking about May during the feeling out process, as Nightingale showed off her power early with a shoulder tackle. She tried for another, but May got a leg sweep and shotgun dropkick. Head scissors sent Nightingale into the ropes, as May trapped her and fired off a dropkick to the back for one. Chop battle ensued, as Nightingale hit a spinning side slam and low cross body for two. May rolled outside and was flattened by a Nightingale cannonball from the apron to take things to commercial.

Back from break, May mounted a comeback with her top rope dropkick and followed with Sweet Cheek Music and snap DDT for two. Storm cheered May on, as Nightingale battled back with a corner splash and spinebuster. Nightingale went for the Sharpshooter, but May fought out, planting Nightingale with a German suplex. May hit a corner uppercut, as the crowd cheers her on as she hit the handstand head scissors for two. May missed the charging knee, as Nightingale hit a Fisherman’s Bomb for a close near fall. Nightingale went for the Pounce, but May hit a headbutt as both ladies collapsed.

Storm took the referee, as someone in a Sting hoodie, revealed to be Stokely Hathaway, distracted Nightingale enough for Kris Statlander to appear and hit a running boot. May & Storm didn’t realize what happened, as May hit her charging knee strike, but Nightingale kicked out. May nearly got the leg trap roll up, as Storm told May to go for Storm Zero, which May did, but ate a Nightingale lariat for two. Nightingale lowered the straps and hit the corner cannonball, as she went for the Death Valley Driver, but May spun out into a victory roll for the win.

Post match, May shook Nightingale’s hand before jumping into the arms of Storm. Both ladies skipped up the ramp to the Owen Hart cup and title, where May clobbered Storm with the gold. The crowd was stunned, as Luther was laid out as well. A bloody Storm screamed why, as May sent Luther flying off the stage through tables. Storm is crying as May lifted up a shoe and violently beat the hell out of Storm with it, driving the heel into her head. Referees tried stopping her, but May shoved Aubrey Edwards down. May kissed the bloody head of Storm, as the graphic for All In is shown with May standing tall. This was a phenomenal ending to Dynamite.

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (5)

The mystery wrestler is Aramis

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NAG posted:

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IcePhoenix posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (14)

Dacap posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (15)

dsriggs posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (16)

Malcolm Excellent posted:

Hey everyone I made a meme

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (17)

dsriggs posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (18)

bebaloorpabopalo posted:

if these trends continue...

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (19)

fez_machine posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (20)

Vandar posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (21)

Hefty Leftist posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (22)

explosivo posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (23)

Eat My Fuc posted:

shout out abroham lincoln’s pic

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (24)

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (25)

MorningMoon posted:

reposting here because i'm too proud of this edit lol
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smarxist posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (27)

Gambit from the X-Men posted:

i got my mom to cross-stitch something for my spouse's birthday. i thought you all would like it.

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (28)

Most Power Alex posted:

Most Power Alex posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (29)

haunted bong posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (30)

Majinfoose posted:

AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (31)
AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (32)
AEW Discussion for 7/10: Watch Out for the Shoe (33)

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.