Arcus Biosciences Reports Second-Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides a Pipeline Update (2024)

Arcus Biosciences Reports Second-Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides a Pipeline Update

  • Data from the casdatifan 100 mg expansion cohort of ARC-20,a Phase 1/1b study in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), areexpected to be presented at a medical conference in the fourthquarter of 2024
  • PEAK-1, the initial Phase 3 study evaluating casdatifan incombination with cabozantinib, is expected to begin in the firsthalf of 2025
  • Patient enrollment has completed for the Phase 3 studySTAR-221 (upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancers) for domvanalimabplus zimberelimab and chemotherapy
  • Arcus is well-positioned to advance its full pipeline with$1.0 billion in cash, cash equivalents and marketable securitiesand runway into 2027
  • Conference call today at 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET

Arcus Biosciences, Inc. (NYSE:RCUS), a clinical-stage, globalbiopharmaceutical company focused on developing differentiatedmolecules and combination therapies for people with cancer, todayreported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30,2024, and provided a pipeline update on its clinical-stageinvestigational molecules – targeting TIGIT, the adenosine axis(CD73 and A2a/A2b receptors), HIF-2a, AXL and PD-1 – acrossmultiple common cancers.

“Our upcoming presentation of efficacy and safety data forcasdatifan will demonstrate that it has the potential to be thebest-in-class HIF-2a inhibitor,” said Terry Rosen, Ph.D., chiefexecutive officer of Arcus. “We are pursuing a broad developmentprogram in both first- and second-line settings, as well asdifferentiated combinations, to maximize the opportunity forcasdatifan in ccRCC. Meanwhile, the accumulating data continue toenhance our confidence that our Fc-silent anti-TIGIT antibody,domvanalimab, has the potential for an improved safety profile overthat of Fc-enabled antibodies, particularly when combined withchemotherapy, which may also result in an efficacy advantage fordomvanalimab. With STAR-221 enrollment completed, we are lookingforward to our first Phase 3 data readout.”

Corporate Updates:

  • In July 2024, Taiho Pharmaceutical (Taiho) exercised its optionfor quemliclustat, an investigational small molecule CD73inhibitor, in Japan and certain other territories in Asia(excluding mainland China). As a result of this option exercise,Taiho will operationalize the Phase 3 PRISM-1 study evaluatingquemliclustat in pancreatic cancer in Japan, and Arcus will receivean opt-in payment and is eligible to receive near-term milestonepayments.

Pipeline Highlights:

Casdatifan (HIF-2a inhibitor)

  • Multiple expansion cohorts evaluating casdatifan in clear cellrenal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) are underway, with several datapresentations expected in the next 18 months. Each cohort isenrolling approximately 30 patients.
    • ARC-20: Phase 1/1b study evaluating casdatifan as a monotherapyand in combination with other agents:
      • 100 mg daily expansion cohort in 2L+ ccRCC: ORR data areexpected to be presented in the fourth quarter of 2024.
      • 50 mg and 150 mg expansion cohorts in 2L+ ccRCC: Enrollment hasbeen completed for both cohorts and data are expected to bepresented in 2025.
      • An expansion cohort evaluating casdatifan in combination withcabozantinib in 2L+ ccRCC is also enrolling.
  • Following FDA feedback later this year, Arcus plans to initiateits first Phase 3 study, PEAK-1, evaluating casdatifan incombination with cabozantinib versus cabozantinib monotherapy inpatients with metastatic ccRCC who have previously receivedanti-PD-1 therapy, in the first half of 2025.
  • Arcus is in advanced stages of planning with a clinicalcollaboration partner to evaluate casdatifan in a potentialfirst-in-class combination regimen for first-line metastaticccRCC.

Domvanalimab (Fc-silent anti-TIGITantibody) plus Zimberelimab (anti-PD-1 antibody)

Domvanalimab-Zimberelimab Updates:

  • Updated data presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting from Arm A1of the Phase 2 EDGE-Gastric study showed 12.9 months medianprogression-free survival (PFS) for domvanalimab plus zimberelimaband chemotherapy in first-line upper GI adenocarcinomas, whichexceeded historical benchmarks for anti-PD-1 plus chemotherapy.
    • The EDGE-Gastric study is evaluating the same regimen in thesame setting as the STAR-221 Phase 3 study.
  • STAR-221, a Phase 3 study evaluating domvanalimab pluszimberelimab and chemotherapy in PD-L1 all-comer first-linemetastatic upper GI adenocarcinomas, completed enrollment inJune.
  • STAR-121, a Phase 3 study evaluating domvanalimab pluszimberelimab and chemotherapy in PD-L1 all-comer first-linemetastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), is expected tocomplete enrollment in 2024.

Upcoming Domvanalimab-Zimberelimab Milestones:

  • Overall survival (OS) and PFS data from previously enrolledpatients in Part 1 of the Phase 3 ARC-10 study, evaluatingdomvanalimab plus zimberelimab versus zimberelimab versuschemotherapy in first-line PD-L1-high NSCLC, are expected to bepresented by the end of 2024.
  • OS data from the Phase 2 EDGE-Gastric study, evaluatingdomvanalimab plus zimberelimab and chemotherapy in upper GIadenocarcinomas, are expected to be presented in 2025.

CD73-Adenosine Axis:Etrumadenant (A2a/A2b receptor antagonist)and Quemliclustat (small-molecule CD73inhibitor)


  • Cohort B data from ARC-9, a randomized Phase 1b/2 studyevaluating etrumadenant plus zimberelimab, FOLFOX chemotherapy andbevacizumab (EZFB) versus regorafenib in third-line metastaticcolorectal cancer (mCRC), were presented at ASCO in June.
    • Results showed 19.7 months median OS for the EZFB arm, and EZFBsignificantly reduced the risk of death by 63% and risk of diseaseprogression by 73% compared to regorafenib. This is the longestmedian OS reported in third-line mCRC to date in a randomizedtrial.
    • Biomarker data from this study are expected to be presented ata scientific conference in the second half of 2024.
  • Based on these encouraging results, Arcus and Gilead aredetermining next steps for the development of etrumadenant inmCRC.


  • Initiation of a Phase 3 trial, PRISM-1, of quemliclustatcombined with gemcitabine/nab-pacl*taxel versusgemcitabine/nab-pacl*taxel in pancreatic cancer is expected tobegin by early 2025.
  • Taiho exercised its option for an exclusive license toquemliclustat in Japan and certain territories in Asia and willoperationalize PRISM-1 in Japan.

Early Clinical Programs

  • Dose escalation for AB801, a potent and highly selectivesmall-molecule AXL inhibitor, continues. Arcus anticipatesadvancing this molecule into expansion cohorts in NSCLC in early2025.

Financial Results for Second Quarter 2024:

  • Cash, Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities were$1.0 billion as of June 30, 2024, compared to $866 million as ofDecember 31, 2023. The increase during the period is primarily dueto the receipt of $320 million in cash from Gilead for theirJanuary 2024 equity investment, partially offset by the use of cashin research and development activities. We believe our cash, cashequivalents and marketable securities on-hand will be sufficient tofund operations into 2027. Cash, cash equivalents and marketablesecurities are expected to be between $885 million and $925 millionat the end of 2024.
  • Revenues were $39 million for the second quarter 2024,compared to $29 million for the same period in 2023. In the secondquarter 2024, Arcus recognized $28 million in license anddevelopment services revenue related to the advancement ofprograms, as well as $11 million in other collaboration revenueprimarily related to Gilead’s ongoing rights to access Arcus’sresearch and development pipeline in accordance with the Gileadcollaboration agreement.
  • Research and Development (R&D) Expenses were $115million for the second quarter 2024, compared to $84 million forthe same period in 2023. The net increase of $31 million wasprimarily driven by higher clinical trial and headcount-relatedcosts associated with our late-stage development programactivities. Non-cash stock-based compensation expense was $10million for the second quarter 2024, compared to $9 million for thesame period in 2023. For the second quarter 2024 and 2023, Arcusrecognized gross reimbursem*nts of $40 million and $44 million,respectively, for shared expenses from its collaborations,primarily the Gilead collaboration. R&D expense by quarter mayfluctuate due to the timing of clinical manufacturing andstandard-of-care therapeutic purchases with a corresponding impacton reimbursem*nts.
  • General and Administrative (G&A) Expenses were $30million for the second quarter 2024, compared to $28 million forthe same period in 2023. The increase was primarily driven byhigher headcount and costs incurred to obtain the Third GileadAgreement Amendment. Non-cash stock-based compensation expense was$10 million for the second quarter 2024, compared to $9 million forthe same period in 2023.
  • Net Loss was $93 million for the second quarter 2024,compared to $75 million for the same period in 2023.

Conference Call Information:

Arcus will host a conference call and webcast today, August 8,at 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET to discuss its second-quarter 2024financial results and pipeline updates. To access the call, pleasedial (404) 975-4839 (local) or (833) 470-1428 (toll-free), usingAccess Code: 287576. To access the live webcast and accompanyingslide presentation, please visit the “Investors & Media”section of the Arcus Biosciences website at Areplay of the webcast will be available following the liveevent.

Arcus Ongoing and Announced Clinical Studies:

Trial Name





Lung Cancer


dom + zim + chemo vs. pembro + chemo

1L NSCLC (PD-L1 all-comers)

Ongoing Registrational Phase 3



dom + durva vs. durva

Unresectable Stage 3 NSCLC

Ongoing Registrational Phase 3



dom + zim + chemo; dom + zim

Perioperative NSCLC

Registrational Phase 3 In Planning



zim vs. dom + zim vs. etruma + dom +zim

1L NSCLC (PD-L1 ≥ 50%)

Ongoing Randomized Phase 2



dom +/- zim +/- quemli +/- chemo

1L/2L NSCLC (lung cancer platformstudy)

Ongoing Randomized Phase 2



dom +/- zim +/- etruma +/- sacituzumabgovitecan-hziy or other combos

1L/2L NSCLC (lung cancer platformstudy)

Ongoing Randomized Phase 2


Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers


dom + zim + chemo vs. nivo + chemo

1L Gastric, GEJ and EAC

Ongoing Registrational Phase 3


EDGE-Gastric (ARC-21)

dom +/- zim +/- quemli +/- chemo

1L/2L Upper GI Malignancies


Randomized Phase 2


Colorectal Cancer


etruma + zim + mFOLFOX vs. SOC

2L/3L/3L+ CRC


Randomized Phase 2


Pancreatic Cancer


quemli + gem/nab-pac vs. gem/nab-pac


Planned Phase 3



quemli + zim + gem/nab-pac vs. quemli +gem/nab-pac


Ongoing Randomized Phase 1/1b


Kidney Cancer


cas + cabo vs. cabo

Post-IO ccRCC

Planned Phase 3



cas + zanza


Ongoing Phase 1b/2



cas, cas + cabo

Cancer Patients / ccRCC

Ongoing Phase 1/1b





Advanced Malignancies





Advanced Malignancies



cabo: cabozantinib; cas: casdatifan; dom: domvanalimab; durva:durvalumab; etruma: etrumadenant; gem/nab-pac:gemcitabine/nab-pacl*taxel; nivo: nivolumab; pembro: pembrolizumab;quemli: quemliclustat; SOC: standard of care; zanza: zanzalintinib;zim: zimberelimab; ccRCC: clear cell renal cell carcinoma; CRC:colorectal cancer; EAC: esophageal adenocarcinoma; GEJ:gastroesophageal junction; GI: gastrointestinal; NSCLC: non-smallcell lung cancer; PDAC: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

About the Gilead Collaboration

In May 2020, Arcus established a 10-year collaboration withGilead to strategically advance our portfolio. Under thiscollaboration, Gilead obtained time-limited exclusive option rightsto all of our clinical programs arising during the collaborationterm. Arcus and Gilead are co-developing four investigationalproducts, including zimberelimab (Arcus’s anti-PD-1 molecule),domvanalimab (Arcus’s anti-TIGIT antibody), etrumadenant (Arcus’sadenosine receptor antagonist) and quemliclustat (Arcus’s CD73inhibitor). The collaboration was expanded in November 2021 and May2023 to include research directed to two targets for oncology andtwo targets for inflammatory diseases.

About Arcus Biosciences

Arcus Biosciences is a clinical-stage, global biopharmaceuticalcompany developing differentiated molecules and combinationmedicines for people with cancer. In partnership with industrycollaborators, patients and physicians around the world, Arcus isexpediting the development of first- or best-in-class medicinesagainst well-characterized biological targets and pathways andstudying novel, biology-driven combinations that have the potentialto help people with cancer live longer. Founded in 2015, thecompany has expedited the development of multiple investigationalmedicines into clinical studies, including new combinationapproaches that target TIGIT, PD-1, the adenosine axis (CD73 anddual A2a/A2b receptor), HIF-2a, CD39, and AXL. For more informationabout Arcus Biosciences’ clinical and preclinical programs, pleasevisit

Domvanalimab, etrumadenant, quemliclustat, and zimberelimab areinvestigational molecules, and neither Gilead nor Arcus hasreceived approval from any regulatory authority for any useglobally, and their safety and efficacy have not been established.Casdatifan, AB598 and AB801 are also investigational molecules, andArcus has not received approval from any regulatory authority forany use globally, and their safety and efficacy have not beenestablished.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. Allstatements regarding events or results to occur in the futurecontained herein are forward-looking statements reflecting thecurrent beliefs and expectations of management made pursuant to thesafe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation ReformAct of 1995, including, but not limited to, the statements in Dr.Rosen’s quote and statements regarding: Arcus’s expectation thatit* cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities on-hand aresufficient to fund operations into 2027; plans to disclose orpresent study analyses or data, including any analyses or data fromARC-20, EDGE-Gastric, or ARC-10; whether data and results fromstudies validate our pipeline or support further development of aprogram; the potency, efficacy or safety of Arcus’s investigationalproducts, including their potential for a best-in-class profile;and the initiation of and associated timing for future studies,including statements about PEAK-1 and PRISM-1. All forward-lookingstatements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties andother important factors that may cause Arcus’s actual results,performance or achievements to differ significantly from thoseexpressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factorsthat could cause or contribute to such differences include, but arenot limited to: risks associated with preliminary and interim datanot being guarantees that future data will be similar; theunexpected emergence of adverse events or other undesirable sideeffects in Arcus’s investigational products; difficulties or delaysin initiating or conducting clinical trials due to difficulties ordelays in the regulatory process, enrolling subjects ormanufacturing or supplying product for such clinical trials;unfavorable global economic, political and trade conditions;Arcus’s dependence on the collaboration with third parties such asGilead and Taiho for the successful development andcommercialization of its optioned molecules; difficultiesassociated with the management of the collaboration activities orexpanded clinical programs; changes in the competitive landscapefor Arcus’s programs; and the inherent uncertainty associated withpharmaceutical product development and clinical trials. Risks anduncertainties facing Arcus are described more fully in the “RiskFactors” section of Arcus’s most recent periodic report filed withthe U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned notto place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, whichspeak only as of the date of this press release. Arcus disclaimsany obligation or undertaking to update, supplement or revise anyforward-looking statements contained in this press release exceptto the extent required by law.

The Arcus name and logo are trademarks of Arcus Biosciences,Inc. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.


Consolidated Statements ofOperations


(In millions, except per shareamounts)

Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
June 30,






License and development servicesrevenue









Other collaboration revenue





Total revenues





Operating expenses:

Research and development





General and administrative





Impairment of long-lived assets


Total operating expenses





Loss from operations









Non-operating income (expense):

Interest and other income, net





Effective interest on liability for saleof future royalties





Total non-operating income, net





Loss before income taxes









Income tax expense





Net loss













Net loss per share:

Basic and diluted













Shares used to compute net loss pershare:

Basic and diluted





Selected Consolidated BalanceSheet Data


(In millions)

June 30,

December 31, 2023(1)

Cash, cash equivalents and marketablesecurities





Total assets



Total liabilities



Total stockholders’ equity




Derived from the audited financialstatements for the quarter ended December 31, 2023, included in theCompany's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities andExchange Commission on February 21, 2024.

Arcus Biosciences Reports Second-Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides a Pipeline Update (1)

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Investor Inquiries:
Pia Eaves
VP of Investor Relations & Strategy
(617) 459-2006

Media Inquiries:
Holli Kolkey
VP of Corporate Communications
(650) 922-1269

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