Franklin Repository and Chambersburg Whig from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

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Franklin Repository and Chambersburg Whigi

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

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FRANKLIN REPOSITORY AND WHIG CIIAMBERSBURG PA LOCAL INTELLIGENCE NEW ADYEJLITISEM ENTS rM VMS WAXTBD! -Wanted to hire throe BIX HORSH MULE TEAMS to hanl Or A MS hanl uuuninui employment Will gf Court Proceedings The following proceedings were had in the Quarter Sessions last week Commonwealth "I Larceny Verdict guilty vs Sentenced to pay costs of pros- Ames ccution nnd undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for the term rOHN A WRIGHT CO mrLowlitovu Mfmin as- Pa np'-l Freedom Iron Work AST" The Legislature adjourned on Tuesday last after having been in session nearly three months and a half Wo look in vain for any important public measure with which to credit the late sossion Several wcro attempted but failed The appropriation bill was as usual put off until tho close of the' session and then had to he put through with whip and spur Wc have not learned what was done on Monday and Tuesday of this week but as tho' Maryland Legislature was on a visit to Harrisborg on Saturday previous we doubt whether there was very much good done PENNSYLVANIA EUlLROAD COMPAKT Tho vote of the Stockholders on tlie several questions submitted to their suffrage resulted favorably to each proposition Tho whole number of votes east amounted to about ono hundred and thiny-seven thousand nil of Whioh but nine were in favor ot accepting the supplemental chnrter Tho subscription in aid of the Marietta and Cincinnati road was carried by upwards of one hundred and thirty-six thousand votes and tho subscription to the Springfield and Mount Vernon and the Ohio and Indiana roads were authorized by a very large vote Tho ovent of this election highly important to the welfare of Philadelphia and will be hailed with much gratification by the Xorth American READY 1 AIM! FIREI1- ir on ant a flrst-mte nnrRTPLBoran old un icpMredrnlWithiubrrihcr1 brn the ltu Cm Mnln-sL two doom ol two years Assault and Battery Kill 11 rnn ii momrwrsnonr 10 Commonwealth vs Double and I nnt of snored and prosecutor to Is CIlAMBEUSnDBG: Thursday Homing April 21 1853 strictly in JdSuSj llJ4n's" the money to rw MOSES POWWALC of Lancaster FOIt Al'DITOK OKNKKAL ALEX MctLIJItK of Franklin -n F0U 8URTBYOB chnkkal CHRISTIAN MEYERS of Clarion John Hutchison pay tlie costs Lnrccny Verdict guilty Commonwealth vs Wm Jones lu BobtatadrtMto WliiulcH -i miller snttum Sentenced to pay costs of prosecution nnd undergo imprison Death of Dr This eminent practitioner and much esteemed citizen expired at his residence in this place on Friday evening last He hud been confined to his room for several months past by disease which proved to be of such a character by nn examination after death that no medical skill could have altered its results Dr aside from his professional ability wns an accomplished scholar a ready and forcible writer and was probably excelled by none in this community in his knowledge of English literature He had been an occasional contributor to this paper for many years past upon subjects of political literary and medical importance nnd exhibited in each department a thorough kuowlcdge of his subject A large concourse of people notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather attended his remains to the grave and his departure will bo a source of grief and regret to many who enjoyed his personal friendship and ncipiaintnncc Agricultural Meeting A public meeting was held iu the Court House on Tuesday evening of last week to promote the success of the Franklin CountyAgricultural Society Addresses were delivered by Hon Geo Chambers Hon MoLonahap and Robison and Wm Heyscr Esns all urging the general ment in tlie County Jail for the term of' one month J'AIUIIAXKS PLATFORM Long severely test- I aHnn rljhl th arknorrlrdRcd eUndaid hCALKS set In any part of the country nt short luiUcc litormE ix the AViowam It is rumored toil then UoomUenble troubla in Httioxud UQgwui At Vi iwMnEt While tho JMrito qirrrIliiR hut r'-L11 Wrh h'v hCTt out li tt thiiti lo mil tho nlU-iiUon of our OQmnaoltv ud mntnr friwdj to ti NdocUon of Drop ftfedtdnai ud Vyv tufh I'errmu-ry nil iniry Artl kept fir Mk ly DDT tin I i A III I li t- I Tt UKl COLBY 240 Market street Philtulclidiln 19 Hon James Buchanan has been nominated and confirmed as Minister to England in room of Hon Jos Incersoll removed The death of Messrs Clay Calhoun Webster and Adams' has left Mr Buchanan ono of our ablest living diplomatists and since a Locofoco must fill the station it is well that it has been awarded to the 'favorite son' It is the most important mission within the gift of the President and wo are glad to sco a steady old conservative fill it ui mi- urn iiriii-L innif SHOEMAKERS -Jeffries tuu put ri-viii i irv Hue L-'Tlm't of LASTS HI I i MoKOlVM bin MnKetVu KIUS Thl I-- Commonwealth Assault and Battery Ac-vs quitted on plea of unsoundness John Miner of mind Commonwealth Assault nnd Battery with vs I intent to kill Verdict guilty Wm Nerd of assault and battery Sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars and costs and undergo an imprisonment in the County Jail for a term of six months Commonwcnlth 1 Selling liquor without li-vs cense Verdict guilty Sen- Eliza Ridout tenced to pay a lino of twenty dollars nnd costs Committed in default of payment Commonwealth "1 Larceny Verdict guilty Our Court Expenses By referring to our report of the proceedings in the late Quarter Sessions some idea may be formed of tho enormous expense the people of this County suffor in order to bring to trial and punish persons for trifling offen in Act in relation to the lEnUi-uaa between CUambersnurg and Hagerstown Whbheas By an act of the General Assembly approved the tenth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty the Franklin railroad within Pennsylvania was directed to be sold together with all the franchises privileges powers and advantages of the company incorporated to construct the said road And Whereas The said railroad and franchises have been Bold under the authority of the said act and tlie sale thereof duly ratified and confirmed And Whereas Since the said sale certain laws have been passed to enable the purchaser or purchasers thereof to raise money to relay the said railroad And Whereas It is greatly to be desired that the said Franklin railroad should as speedily as possible be rclaid from Oham-borsburg to Hagorstownwith heavy iron rails so as to adapt the same for the use of steam power and thai the objects of the original act incorporating the Franklin railroad company should be accomplished Therefore 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent 'at ice of the c*ntmouwealti of renneylvania in General Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of (be same That Samuel 1) Culbcrtson Joseph Snivcly William Heyser John Hutchinson Peter MoMartin and Thomas A L'iddle arc hereby appointed commissioners and they or any three of them arc authorized to open books at such time and placo and upon such notice as they shall deem expedient for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the company hereinafter directed to be incorporated to keep open said books until not less than three thousand shares of the par value of fifty dollars each shall have been subscribed to said capital stock and no subscription shall be valid unless the person or persons making tho same shall pay to the said commissioners at the time of subscribing the sum of ten dollars on each and every share so subscribed and if any of the said commissioners shall resign neglect to act or be absent or become legally incapacitated to act during the continuance of the duties devolved upon them by this act others may be appointed in their stead by a majority of the persons named in this act 2 That the capital stock of the said company shall be the same as that allowed and permitted by the second section of the act to incorporate the Franklin railroad company approved the twelfth day of March Anno 1'umini one thousand eicht hundred and vs I i nomas iarKS sentenced Ac which he offer at a rery small advance Qioenakeri would find it to their interest to purchase frcm him where they will nlwnvs find jrcncml nssoMniunt on bund Call nt thoSifniof tii-1 ii- Last South-east corner of the Diamond SUMMER Now is tho tim- HjLtn tire yourself (rood cheap nnd fashionable MM Ell AT i mm mkm: opposite MrvFjshpr'nllotel Sljrn of the My UaL llehaajoat returned from the East and is now in receipt of onn of the lanrest cheapest and most fnshtonnllc and ehant awrtmrnt of PANAMA OAYAQUIL SRNATR LEGHORN PALMLEA7 and otfcet SUM MBit It ATS ihnt has ever ben exhibited in this community nnd which be is determbiNl to sell nt Hie Tory smallest advance on first cost for the purpose of aceomtno-daiine bit patron a and to 14 keep the 111 rolling" Hi saortinanl of SILK and I'll It HATS buuK) very fine ml embraces various styles innlltlr oild price When you want lint or Cap don't forge! tornll nt Shoemaker's Hnt and CnpStorr Sipn of thn ftlje hr ran jilense you cither ns rennrds lyie uualllv or price np21 ces under existing laws it is doubtless im Thomas Darks pay a fine of one dollar and Edward Darks undergo nn imprisonment in possible to reduce these expenses at all as Another Murder Wo are called upon to record another murder which was perpetrate ed last evening nt Olncy near Cedar Grove about five miles north of the city and which is to bo attributed directly to the free use of intoxicating drinks Tho particulars as we gather them nro these: In (he courso of yesterday afternoon a party of men assembled at the public house of John Jennings who is Constablo in that section nnd after dying themselves pretty freely with liquor quarrel arose between James O'Neill au Irishman and George Soule an American The quarrel began in the tavern but was continued to the road without A few blows were given on each side when Sonic was observed to fall two or three times His friends went up to him and found aim bleeding quite freely IK was u-n the tavirn and i-ad in a few minutes It was found that he had received two stabs in the left breast one of which rf not both had reached a vital part Aeill the offender was arrested on tho spot No weapon was found in his possession nor could any be found immediate neighborhood lie was taken before Alderman Hayman of Konsington and was commuted to answer the charge of murder We learn that O'Neill denies using the knife but no one else was sufficiently near to indict the wounds if such a supposition was reasonable Both the murderer and the victim have families Their residence was in the neighborhood of the scone of tho Coroner Goldsmith proceeded this morning to Olncy to investigate the circ*mstances of the Philadelphia Argus) im Shot Mr Samuel Daniels of Hanover township in this county shot himself through the heart with a pistol on Monday morning last and of course died almost instantly No definite cause for the rash net has been discovered Mr Daniels was a young man of considerable had a young wife to whom he had been married but a few months and but recently hnd come into possession of a pretty large estate On the morning of his death he arose at about the usual time nnd while his wife was preparing breakfast went to an old desk and took out a double barreled pistol His wife at first thinking it was something elso which he had taken from the desk pnid but little attention to his movements Presently however observing the pistol in his hand she asked him What are you going to shoot lie replied Nothing" She then turned round and when next she saw him ho was pointing the pistol to his breast which she immediately reached for when he discharged its contents into his heart one ball entering the heart and the other the left lung In the act of firing his wife had her thumb shot off The deceased was connected with a trial in the Supreme Courl now sitting in Philadelphia in relation to his father's will which it is conjectured had some effect in producing such a depression of spirit as to nave induced him to coimnitsuicidc A coroner's jury was held on the body but eliciting no new facts they returned a verdict in accordance with the above Alleniovm oiienoers must be brought to justico and th tlie County 1 nil lor tlie term ol three m-uths 'otninonwealth "1 Larceny Elizn Ridout vs quitted Edward Darks found county must loot the bill At the meeting of tho present Court our Jail was nearly full of prisoners numbering nearly thirty most Eliza Ridout guilty and sentenced to pay a Edward Darks fine of one dollar nnd costs of prosecution and undergo an Lmprisomont in Missino The editor of tlie Cliamhcrsburg Repository and Whiff has been missing ever since his nomination for Auditor General Fulton JJeniocrat Not exactly We arc on hand and have been for some time still stand six feet ono in our boots and draw two hundred pounds and whether the next election sends us tn Salt River or to Harrisburg we moun to sleep as sound o' nights as ever ASP Recently developed circ*mstances render it certain almost beyond question that 01 whom were negroes who were justly indicted for trifling offences and had to be committed in default of bail All of them were guilty and many of them had been offending frequently before proceedings were J5r The other dny while tho rain wns pouring down Wm BOUIT wm Wily angagad In flUinR one ir his ropnclouf wnjimm nnil ularlwl Bv thfrwuntrv with Cook Slovak Tin Ware tr nhlch had u-i iurrhH-l mul 1h1 lo h-liv reU hitoMIiik l- iom-iit And rain or Hliini- 1 on the 5foU Wr rouLln't hrl thinklni Hint ho is lhi riirht kinl ot ninnn toh-nl with not only on account of his jiroiuiitnoM in ilolnjr burinum hut u1m" um-mm he kwjts Mich line stock on hand bOM which lo (elect JKSM'he reported discovery of an immense i in California hnf jriven rfaa to anwh nwniattbn and InqnlFP The truth reninin for "nliffnclorydiHosiirv hut enough is known of the Jowclry olTeril bv Mr MMb muoan to mlleVa our oommanlty of much aukt about It We run Iiimi- our moot extrm luifinl il-in- MUi-liiil without sacrtfldoff tho oomlbrta of hom*o Oil (Hooka and Watches are nurnllel in quantity nud quality wlUi bin ex-tensive dbiplny of Juwelry BS-It is not true ns is currently reported Hint the Kuipr-s" Cuenlu bus ordered full wt of Sloven from Miujm's Warebouso but ii In true that many He-ubllnin Kinntvn hnsmtniittcd nil her previous experience to Ik- out-done by the variety tosle ami UMfollMM of tin-innumerable patterns which now almost barricade the rest or his stock from public inspection JGQyThc enterprise of tho young man who commences business with energy nnd perseverance will always excite respect and cbnlleiipc encourpement This we must add is the secret of the success of Mr Sl'ES-UXOTT Who combines nil the nboTC qualities in admirable perfection His assortment or Hardware isnmoiiK 'be met extensive aud best aolootod ever opened In this place Many persons who were in attendance at Court embraced the occasion to call on 8nonXiKH nnd supply themselves with lint nnd Caps the prkai OfVbfeh aud tho clever muuner In which he dcnls with bis customers so much pleased thein that we hnve but little doubt they will repeat their calls nt the Sij-n or the lliR HnL BQy-Thc rush for political preferment at Eastern I'emtentiary tor tlie term of one year Commonwealth Keeping a gambling house vs Rill ignored and County pay John Wynkoop the costs Commonwealth I Assault and Battery Ver co-operation of farmers in the enterprise Mr McLannhan stated that he hnd in his possession various kinds of seeds and a number of Agricultural books furnished him from the Patent Office which lie would plnec in the hnnds of the society for distribution among its members A number of new members were obtained The society now numbers over 250 and if our country friends who feel an interest in its success will but mnkc a little exertion in their respective neighborhoods at least 500 more names might be obtained ClIAMBERSBURO BANK A Bill httS passed the Legislature restoring the Chnmbcrs-burg Bank Stock to its original par value of $50 per Share nnd thus increasing its Banking Capital about $50000 The Shares were reduced to $-10 some years ago thereby sinking the Capital just restored The Stock lias been selling above par for sonic time past and recent sales ve Vdict guilty Sentenced to pay instituted ngainst them but in a majority of oiiii uycrx i costs oi hniMTUimn and un dergo imprisonment in County Jail for the term ol six months cases hve dollars would restore the prosecutor while it costs the County from ten to fifty dollars a head to convict them and then their keeping in addition while they undergo im Assault nnd Battery Geo Darks and David Eilkill wcro found guilty nnd sentenced Art 1 1 Spring tho perpetrator of the terrible Federal Street crime was also the perpetrator of the bold murder of Joseph Rink which occurred in Chestnut Street Philadelphia on the 12th of January last There are also grounds for the belief that Spring committed the murder of Wm Hope a farmer in the vicinity of Philadelphia about twelve years since prisonment We have heard tho expenses of Commonwealth vs Edward Darks George Darks Richard Aston William Aston David Fflkffl to pay a fine of one dollar REAL EST AT ft FOR SALE Tho Jumnnderafajned oilers nt Private Snlr tlie following do-serThed nnd very desirable Farm sitnntril in Peters lowaa'p Franklin count roiiuiuine 140 ACRES and allowance purl Limestone and part Slnte Thin property is bounded en the West bv thn Conocochenjrne Creek on the North by o1 the Helm of Matthew dee'd on the Ensl by I of the Hahra of John Wllaftn dre'd and on thn South hy Umls of John Lcuuister and other Wl Arrw of which are cleared and in fine state of tho hnlnncn is covered with fine thriving Thnber The Improvement are Kood lHi UV liLMNli IIOI'SK LOli HARN nud ihe necessary oul-huildinj There are three good Springs or water on the premises A further description Is deemed unnecessary an person disposed to purchase will vlow the property apSl-M SAMUEL PAHKHILL INSTATE OF SAMUEL BOHN Notioe ii A hereby given Hint Letters of Administration to tho Eslate orSAlUM Rons late oftirven town hip drr'd hnv hero crnotrd to the subscriber residing In said township Therefore all persons having claims on the Estate of said deceived nre mines ted to present them properlT authenticated for sett event nnd those who are indebted theTeto nre required to make imiucdialcpnvmcnt npril 21 1S62 CHRISTIANA B0HN Adm'x STATE OF SARAH AVKA Notioo fs AJ hereby glf en that Utters Testamentary to the Estate ot SaRAH kaj Inte or Montgomery township der'l have been granted to the mibscrlber residing In sahl township All persons ha Ting claims ngninsl the Estate nf paN deceased are requested to pment them properly authenticated for settlement nud those knowing themselves to ho indebted thereto are hereby reiinested to mnke immediate payment each nnd costs of prosecution and undergo imprisonment in County Jail for the term of two mouths toward Darks wns sentenced in another case and Richard Aston and William Aston were not taken Commonwealth False Pretences This case unite House Juts semi- MiK-idcd far ii vs was compromised during pro Jacob Rinehnrt gress of trial Verdict not Wm Messer the Conductor who had charge of the train at the time of tho accident on tho Central Ratlroad near Newton Hamilton was tried in Lewistown last week for the murder of soveral passengers The jury returned a verdict on Saturday of not guilty but to pay the costs Hon Wm King The United States Steamship Fulton from Matauas Cuba arrived at Mobile at noon on the 11th inst with A'ice President King on board His (Treat inaaa are concerned not so however at thu White-Hall Clolhln- Store of HOSXHnoH RnOSABT where Uie rush for Spring nnd Summer Ootblni still continues It not to be wouderil nt ns their stock is new good nnd Uioy furnish on entire suit of Clothes for mere trillo iu comparison to what null used lo cost when our 0lil hat was new flST Don't look so don't give up Happiness is yours ai well ns any oiber's Your polo cheeks will plow with health nnd youreya spnrkle vviih delight if you buy your Medicines where Uicy can bo had fresh and pure We would ihn-r-i i Nii Drug Siurc if you wuni good Medicines An Article to he Cheai' siiist he Goon npril 18(8 JOHN IlllKAEi'r thirty-two That as soon as three thousand shares arc subscribed to the capital stock of the said company a majority of the commissioners named iu this act shall certify under their hands and seals to the Governor of the Commonwealth the names of the subscribers and the number of shares subscribed by each subscriber and that ten dollars has been paid on each share and thereupon the Governor shall forthwith by letters patent under bis hand and tho seal of this Commonwealth erect and create the said subscribers and such others as may thereafter subscribe to the capital stock of the said company or become stockholders therein and their assigns in a body politic or corporate in deed and in law snxioin is kept steadily in view by MtLL the ccle- hrnled llu itenier wlio lias limit up a ltiree irnde by re- state of health is exceedingly low A Modern Orlando Our California papers are largoly occupied with accounts of a celebrated robber-chief named Joaquin lie is said to command a bold and reckless band imcinp ii lo practice Hy long experience in every brunch of his trade he bus gained knowledge which la a sure gnarnntee to the purchaser thai he will get a good article the very lowest pilce Try him mid if you are not sutifficd go elsewhere figg" Titos Swann Esq has resigned the Presidency of the Baltimore Ohio Railroad Company He is favorably spoken of Xy some of the Whig papers for tho next Whig Gubernatorial nomination in Maryland The world is almost as full of Stoves ns un egg is of meat unil it requires no ordiunry judgment to seleei from the ihousniids of patterns which glut tho market those that ure really useful and truly cticap Ovsteii hus solved this difficulty to the delightof hundreds nnd is now us well prepared loilo itpraciicullv and promptly as when lie first undertook the difficult tusk AST We are indebted to the Hon A Douglas for a copy of his oration on the inauguration of the Jackson Statue A Better Article or IIeadv-m de Cioth- ixa mny bo found at ItoCKltlLL Wilson's thnn nny other House in Philadelphia nnd we nro plcnscil to see Hint Western and Southern Merclunt-s are showing their taste and judgment by calling at No 11 1 Chestnut street corner of Visit of tlie Maryland Legislature Correspondence of the Repository and Whig of villains who have committed many enormities He is represented to be aboutthirty-fivc years of age and is a Mexican by birth although a resident of California he has a regular chain of associates at home: "He has been known to enter the capital cities disguised as a friar he has been arrested several times but through his oxpert-ness and inlluencc he wielded among the soldiery he has been discharged He is about six lectin height and of immense muscular strength is well versed in the use of arms and in disposition cruel and sanguinary He has a dark sallow complexion and during the Mexican war was known to wear a coat of armor He has committed numberless murders has burned many ranches and has resided in San Francisco Ho has frequently formation of Mexicans leaving California with money who have been dogged and robbed by detached portions of his hand In some instances they have been robbed on rauKiin 1'iaee to purchase uiotr Stock 1 he experience and liieilities for carrying ou the business nnd the tremendous patronage they receive enables them to offer gen to 17 inducements Uinu nny other House in the city feb24 IIarrisbuhg April 18 1853 In accordance with the resolution of our leg-slttturc inviting the legislature aud heads of departments of Maryland to visit our capitol those dignitnrics called with us on Saturday last They were met at York by the committees of reception and on reaching Harrisburg were received with every demonstration of res IMPORTANT LITERARY DISCOVERY! Sua XJiPFniRK IlKHTonrn Will be pnblished In a few dayn NOT KB AXIl EMENDATIONS TO Tilt TEXT OF SHAKS-PEA HE'S PLAYS Vrom ihccarly manuscript rorretllonn In copy of 1 vol 12am cloth price £140 Recently published NICK 11 WHOPS The Jlb-henainosay new nnd revised edition In 1 vol 12mo with illustrations by Darley Price $12A Pr llird'n Nick of the Woods has from its first publication been a great favorite at home and abroad It tallow re-issued revised nnd corrected by the nutlior to meet a general demnnd A STRAY YANK IN TEXAS by Philip Paston with illustrations by Dnrley in 1 vol 12mo Price $125 Philip PoxUm'i Sketches of Life in the Son Hi-weal thro the "Spirit or the Times" Literary World" nnd other journals have been ontvoraaHy well received His Strav Yankee In Tesns will not diminish his reputation flood sense good humor sound patriotism and henrtv animal flpirlts commend these books to tho youth of the wholo country Jost published NAPOLEON IN EXILE or a Voice from St Helena by Hurry 07Iearn in 2 vols 12mo with plates Price $2 MACAI'IAYS SI'ELCH KS Speeches nnd Addresses of the RtfFonTHnbington Mnrnulny In 2 vols2mo $2 CL0VERNOOK or It -co lections of oar Heme in the West by Alice Carev Fourth ol illustrated by Darley EA( fl EK'S Speeches on the LeglHatlv Independence of Ireland hy Thomas Franrte Meagher in 1 vol 12mo with portraits Price $1 THE MKN OF THE TIM or Sketches of lrrinK Rotables containing nearly IK10 Biographies 12mo cloth I0 ForsnJeby Booksellers generally Published br 1 1 ii ilv np''l-fit 110 nnil 112 Nnssan-ft DISEASES OF FEM ALES vfthin the history of the human race no generation has suffered more of the dlneusus peculiar to Keninles than the present A high state of civiliznttnn with the iron bond of Fashion a false notion of gentility the lack of sufficient physical exercise sedentary habits a life of luxury and with many too a great degree of exertion nt lime when the condition of the system requires also by sudden colds these nre nm'ong the prolific cause of the ninny distressing coinplnlnts which fnsten themsplves upon the female constitution giving rise to such nilments nn Suppression of the Menses Green Dli tlilWI Fluor Albus Fnlling of the Womb Spinal Weakness nnd diseases generally which arc peculiar to Females In recommending bis professionnl services for the treatment aud cure oflnc above the Dr would briefly rcinnrk that his study nmf practice hare been especially devoted to the treatment of diseases of this type nnd from thn favor-able results nnd inerensing practice In this branch of his profession be flatters hiaiscif Unit Ms efforts hnve been crowned with succcm' He bos also given much attention to tho cause nnd development in the system or fkroftdn for Uie treatment nnd cure of which he has prepared course of Medicines which by their successful operation hnve proved to be peculiarly adapted to diseases of this chnnu-ter Females am nflrn averse through delicacy orolherrnnses to making ttnown In their Fnmily who may bo a regular attendant nnd with whom they must come in daily the forts in relation to thefr situation and would prefer calling on a Physician with whom nftcr their recorery they may not necessarily coma In hence the necessity of one who is regularly educated understanding the nature of I heir romplnlnts nnd being nble promptly to apply the remedy with an unerring certnhity 1 relies filleted with nny of the nlove or kindred disease will do well to call nl Dr f) LENTWOBTH'S No 2K7 Kaco street between Mil and lh streets Philadelphia Persona in the country who cannot make it convenient to visit th city by enclosing to (he nbove address ffi stating caiefnlly the symptoms and features of their dbenrc will pcccive by Kx press or whatever conveyance they may designnle supply or M-dieinc applicable to their cast with ad lew ami full directions for its use C'AII communications strictly confidential f21-ly Scientific Won nun! Important to Dyspeptics Dr Houghton's PEPSIN the true DlgosUv'e Fluid or Unstric Juice prepared from HEN NKT or tho Fourth Sto m-aeh of tlie Ox alter directions of Duron Liebig the great Physiological Chemist by Houghton Phllad'a This is truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion Dyspepsia Jaundice Liver Complaint CousUpnUon and Debility curing after Nature's own method by Nature's own Agent tho Gastric Juice Pamphlets containing scientific cvTdenco of its value furnished by Agents gratis See notice among the medical advertisem*nts May 0 1852 ly J8SyThe success of Nixon's Tetter Ointmcnt'm this County In curing many inveterate eases of Tetter nig-worm Ac so speedily and so surely certainly relieves it from the odium of being called a Humbug This is more thnn can It- said of niostl'ntentSIedicinos For sale wholesale and retail atN'iAon'sDrugStorcCbnui-bershurg and hy Henry Stonehousc Waynesboro' It Kerby Loudon It I'nlsgrove Fnnnottsburg Arta Sbippeosburg Shirts Bushey Mcrccrsb'g July l-ly pect The ceremonies were had in the hall of the have been mndc as high ns being within $187j of the present increased par value nnd $8621 more than par at the time of the sale These results furnish the best possible tribute to the careful and judicious management of the Bank Fire The dwelling house of Mr Joseph Stall near Fayettcvillc in this county was entirely destroyed by fire on the night of the 20th ult The fire originated in the wash-house but there had been no fire iu it that day The oven was quite near to the wash-house however and as fire hnd been in the oven that day it is probable that the fire was communicated from the oven to the wash-bouse The most of Mr Stall's furniture and clothing were destroyed The house was insured for $300 in the Perry County Insurance Company Good Pluck There is now living in the vicinity of this place an old man his bend whitened with the frosts of more thnn 70 winters who has had two wives and is the natural father of twenty-seven children The little hut in which he lives and in which all of his children except two have been born and reared like its venerable occupant bears the weather-beaten marks of time The old man still follows his occupation felling the ginut oaks of the forest Waynesboro' Record Wo invite the attention of those interested to the advertisem*nt of Mrs Bctts on the fourth page Her supporters have become justly celebrated alike for comfort and entire success in relieving the afflicted Wehavo reason to know that the article here offered to the public is not a mere catch-penny affair but that it is all the inventor claims for it Dr Richards is the agent for this place Presbytery The Carlisle Presbytery met in the Union Church of this place on Tuesday evening last and wns opened with a sermon by the Rev Joseph Clark of Chambersbarg Some twenty odd ministers were in attendance We understand that the meeting and business of the body will close to-day Waynesboro' Record April 14 JKaT1 A correspondent of the National In-ieUigencer gives the following information with regard to the sacred College of Cardinals at Rome "The Sacred College is composed of seventy cardinals divided equally between the three orders thus: six of the order of bishops fifty of thn order of priests and fourteen of the order of deacons Of the seventy cardinals now living there are six upwards of eighty years of age thirteen between seventy and eighty nineteen between sixty and seventy twenty-four between fifty and sixty and eight between forty and fifty The youngest is Cardinal Andrea horn in 1812 the oldest Cardinal Oppozoni who is eighty four years old and who has worn the hat fifty years Fifty-four of the actual cardinals are Italians sixteen are foreigners Of the fifty-four Italians thirty-three arc Romans by birth or adoption seven are Picdmontese seven Neapolitan two Tuscan and five belong to the Lomburdo-Vcnitian Kingdom Of the sixteen foreign cardinals six arc of House where Speaker Larson introduced tiov Biulcr He inflicted quite a speech upon the by tmi name style and title ot The Cbam-bersburg Grcencaidle and Ilagerstown Railroad Company" and by that name the said subscribers and stockholders shall havo perpetual succession and all the necessary and proper incidents of a corporation and the corporate powers enumerated in the third section of tho said act to incorporate the Franklin railroad company which are hereby conferred upon thein and also shall upon purchasing and receiving a deed or deeds for the Franklin railroad and its appurtenances and tho franchises powers privileges and advantages of the said Franklin railroad company given to the said company by the laws of this Commonwealth and of the State of Maryland from the purchaser or purchasers thereof under the authority of an Act of the General Assembly of this State approved the 10th of April 1850 and of any laws passed or hereafter to be passed by the Legislature of Maryland his or their executors administrators or assigns as is hereinafter provided for become vested with and take hold and enjoy all the said franchises 'powers privileges and advantages as fully and elfcctually as if the same had by express enactment been hereby granted and conferred upon the said Chambcrsburg Grconcastle and Ilagerstown Railroad Company 4 That the said Company hereby directed to be incorporated shall be organized in the same manner as provided in the fourth section of said act to incorporate the Franklin Railroad Company all provisions of which said section are hereby enacted as to the Company hereby directed to be incorporated in all the words and effect thereof except so much thereof as has since been repealed or as is hereby supplied 5 That the President and Managers of thu said Company shall have full power and authority to receive take and hold from the purchaser or purchasers of the Franklin Railroad and of all the franchises powers privileges and advantages of the said Franklin Railroad Company either under the laws of Pennsylvania or of Maryland at the sale authorized by the said act approved the 10th of April 1850 and at any sale authorized or crowded audience and was replied to by Col guilty hut deft to pay the costs Commonwealth "I Larceny Verdict guilty vs I-Sentenced to pay a line of one John Smith dollarond costs of proseoution and undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for the term of two years Commonwealth -j Surety of the Pence Scn- vs -fenced to give bonds in tho Peter Slater sum of one hundred dollars for the term of one year and iu default of security was committed Commonwealth Murder A true bill found vs Vbut defendant had not been Jon Burgess arrested There are six negroes in jail whose cases were postponed until the August term colored Common Plkas Charles Hoch This was an action vs to recover contribu- Stambaugh McKesson tion on note given by John Hinzey Co formerly millers of Washington township endorsed by Chas Hoch nnd discounted in the Saving Fund When the note was presented for discount the Saving Fund not knowing Mr Hoch required either additional joint security or back bail for Mr Hoch The note was then presented to Stum-baugh McKesson by Hinzcy Co nnd was endorsed with tho firm's nninc by the clerk in their employ When the note fell due Ilinzcy Co failed to lift it nnd Mr Hoch had to pay it and this notion was brought to recover one-half of it from Stumbnugh McKesson n-s "joint endorsers The firm of Stumbaugh McKesson wns composed of Stumbaugh who resided in Iowa and McKesson of this place The clerk who endorsed the note was authorized by Stumbaugh to endorse paper in the ordinary business of the firm when he thought the paper safe after consulting with the resident partner The clerk when examined stated that he had not consulted Mr McKesson when he endorsed this note nnd that he only endorsed it as bnck bail for Mr Hoch The court held that as this wns a transaction out of the ordinary business of the firm the clerk had exceeded his authority nnd that in order to mnkc the defts liable the plff must prove nn express authority for the endorsem*nt Failing to do this a verdict wns rendered for the defts Polly Mo wry This wns an action to revs I cover $10-1 claimed by the John Mo wry Ex pliT under the followingcir-of A Mowry dec Andrew Mow-ry formerly husband of the plff before his death had made awillby which ho left the plff among other things a certain chest with its contents Upon opening the chest after his death one hundred and four dollars in cash were found in it which the Executor appropriated to the estate The plff brought this action to recover it as being hers under the bequest to her of the chest nnd its contents Deft proved that tho plff was present when the will was made and that all the articles in the: chest were enumerated specifically by both parties and nothing wns snid about money It was also proven that the plff had admitted that she knew the money was not hers The case was settled amicably before conclusion of trial Christian Bitncr Motion for a new trial vs I The court granted a new trial Micha Myers upon condition that the plff would pay all the costs on both sides up to this date Henry Smith of "1 Motion for a new trial vs I The jury at last term hav- John Slichtcr ing found 9966 for plff for non-performance of contract in sale of mill The court ordered the plff to release $155 of the verdict or take a new trial The plff released $456 nnd judgment stands in his favor tneir arrival at Mexico tne news ot their departure and the money they had about them having been forwarded by means of the associates living on the road Joaquin belong Ely of the Maryland legislature bcvcral other speeches were let off without doing much dam age to anybody when they adjourned to the ed to tne band ot guerillas commanded by the famous Padre Juranta who was captured and shut during the Mexican War" Do Crows Reason? As the question of the rational powers of animals is yet a mooted question we throw in the following act to help tho cause The miller at Capo Elizabeth a few days since saw two crows light upon the mill pond One cot firm footinjr upon a cake of ice but State Capital Exchange to try our Pennsylvania dinners and wines Addresses were delivered at the table amidst the rattling of dishes flying of corks nnd occasional cheers At seven o'clock in the evening the guests departed evidently well satisfied with their entertainment Some few of tlie Maryland members remained with us and gave our champnignc a fair trial As everything was free to everybody there wns no renson why a party might not have ten bottles of wine ns well as one So rennsylvnnia and Influenza One of the best medicines for the cure of Influenza that ran bo found Is Dr Klf*ck'fl Fa tnral Syrup We hnve tried It nnd take great pleasure in bearing testimony tons efficacy There is no humbugahnut it At this season of the year when one-hnlf of our citizens are sneezing nnd coughing it should be known that few spoonsful of this medicine will in half day work er-fectcurc Reader if you have a cold buy a bottle of Dr Keyscr'B Pectoral Syrup IStUburg Pott mnrH-lm Edward Snowdox Importer and Dealer in Queenswnrc China nnd Glass No 20 North Second Street opposite Christ Church Philadelphia inurl0-3in the other less judicious in the selection of Maryland may now be considered as firmly cemented in bonds of fraternal union for both legislatures have said so Time seven hours number of rounds not known cost $10000 Lobby tho late Quarter Sessions estimated at $500 and we presume the calculation is low enough "Wo think that this evil might be remedied so as to cost the County but little in trifling cases and to answer the ends of justice quite as well A bill was reported in the Legislature during the late session giving Justices of tho Peace power with a Jury of six to hear and determine charges of offences of a certaingrade It provided for the disposition of cases of petit larceny assault and batter' charges for cruel treatment of animals for selling poisonous substances not labelled and for maliciously defacing or otherwise injuring monuments or ornamental and fruit trees The proposed" bill may not be perfect but something of the kind is much needed especially where there is a large colored population Many of them are indolent and as they won't work they must steal for a livelihood For such offences in most cases the penalty is imprisonment in the County Jail which with a majority of thriftless negroes is just about no punishment at all In Jail they can get onough to eat and have nothing to do which is getting along more comfortably than they often do when at large As the law is quite explicit in designating the penalties for such cases we can -see no good reason why a less expensive tribunal than our Quarter Sessions might not dispose of them It would save the cost of imprisoning persons for months prior to the meeting of the Court and would lessen the expenses of our regular Courts nearly one-half We have thrown out these suggestions for the consideration of the public and we hope that they will be studied and acted upon Certainly some change is needed and what shall it be? Judge Meyers Since the nomination of Judge Meyers as the Whig candidate for Surveyor Gennral the Locofoco presses have been assailing him in unmeasured terms They do not allege that he is not qualified for tho station for which he is a candidate nor that he is in the least exceptionable in a moral point of view but he is denounced as a "renegade" and a "traitor" Judge Meyers was formerly a Locofoco and doubtless acted with that party because he honestly cherished the leading measures it professed to advocate but when that party in open insolent violation of its solemn professions struck down the Protective Policy he at once refused to share the fatal fraud upon tho people of Pennsylvania lie has ever been an earnest advocate of a Protective Tariff and he was driven from the ranks of the Locofoco party because it abandoned one of tho most vital measures it -ever advocated simply because a Locofoco President made Froe Trade the avenue to official favors This and this only is Judge Meykrs' crime Not that he left tho Locofoco party but that the Locofoco party left him and he had too much honesty to follow it at the expense of his honestly entertained principles But the fierce attacks upon Judge Mev-ers have a different object They have been made not so much for the purpose of injuring the Whig candidate) as for the purpose of diverting the public mind from the many objections to the Locofoco candidate They know that Mr Bit aw ley is exceptionable both morally and politically that he lias sacrificed his party when his interests required it and that he is notoriously immoral in his habits and it is to hide these faults in their own candidate that Judge- Meyers is so grossly and so unjustly assailed For our own part we hope the Locofocos will continue to assail the Whig candidate for Surveyor General for such a courso must naturally provoko tho public to a closer examination of the claims of the two candidates All wc ask is that the people of Pennsylvania consider dispassionately whether Judge Meyers or Porter Br aw ley is most entitled to their suffrages and if so the Whig candidate must be successful by an overwhelming majority New York Tho New York Daily Tribune entered its thirteenth volume last week enlarged fully one-third and otherwise improved It is now ono of the largest daily papers in the United States and we believe gives more reading matter than any other yet it is still published at the extremely low price of $500 per annum The proprietors announce that the recent enlargement will add to the coat of its publication $50000 a year but they hope for a large increase of circulation and to accommodate many more advertisem*nts than heretofore Even before this late improvement the Tribune was decidedly the cheapest paper in the world and now it is not approached by any of itscotemporarics either in general interest and utility or in cheapness The terms arc as follows Daily his hiDding-placc pitched into some pulpy snow from which he found it impossible to extricate himself Crow No 1 immediately came to the rescue and tried to push him out of the scrape Finding however that this was impossible he stopped co*cked his head on one side in apparently knowing deliberation then chattered for a moment with his unfortunate comrade and flew off The miller thought he would watch the denouement In about ten minutes Crow No Balance of Trade Mr Brodhcad of tho Senate in ad vocating his resolution requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish tho Senate at MARRIED On the 12tb lust in Hoekbridgc county Vn by Jtov 3 Hoffman Waugb Mr BlCSABO Stkvensox formerly of this plnce to Sliss Mart Dccjiaxan of Onk Mi1 Vn On the Uth hurt- by Rot A Colestock Mr Phiup RtUTiiRurr to Miss Susas lth or Antrim t'p DIED On the evening or the 15th Inst in this plnce after protracted Illness Dr Lanl in about the 62d year ot bis age MARKET CIIAMBERSBURG April 20 tho commencement of the next sossion a hereafter to be authorized by any law of the State of Maryland a full and absolute errant or conveyance or conveyances thereof and of CANDIDATES COUNTY TREASURER To the Whig VoUrs nf FrauhUu offer myself tn voiir eonsideration for the OnVe of COUNTY statement showing the entire amount of US stocks and bonds of all kinds held abroad said the account current of the United States for the last fiscal year with foreign countries TftKASUREB rubjoot to Ihe derision of the Whig Noailn-nting Convention If elected I pledge myself to use my utmost exertions to dlseharge the trust faithfully 11 stand as follows: Kxcesa of Imports over Exports of the counter f-(0000000 miyiiesoorr icd iu-ic iimiji'njirmjfiii Interest annually paid lol'T- i-m r- for Stocks 1 returned with two others These throeput their heads together in consultation flew round their imprisoned brother and examined his condition and then by a joint effort raised him up and stood lnm upon the ice This being accomplished they rubbed against him to warm him brushed the frozen snow from his wings and finally all departed together the saved crow being in the centre of the others as though it was still necessary to watch after his safety If anybody can procure a stronger incident in croicnological history let him bring it un Eastern Argus pOl XTV THKAfSURElt To the Whig of O'UITE WI1KAT $560 I LAMS 10c 11KD do $j00 ItKKF 810c CHICKENS 13c WHITE WHEAT BUTTER 10c RMU do DUc KdtiS 10c RYE tWe APPLES 87 co*kK H7TATOES 81 BUCKWHEAT UNIONS We OATS 3Uc DRIED PEACHES $300 TIMOTHY SEKD $176200 LARD 8e FLAX do $10 TAIIiOW 8c CLOVER do $050 SOAP fte lo-id by thi'in isoouooo BxTjenditurooftravolorsnbroiuI 00OO(iu Navy War and Diplomacy 3000000 Instalments lo Mexico aOnoOOO HcmilUmvs to Ireland 5000000 an lie esiaie nguc line anu 01 enu purchaser or purchasers their heirs executors administrators and assigns of in to and out of the estates lands tenements rights liberties privileges franchises powers and immunities formerly belonging to the said Franklin Railroad Company purchased by him or thorn under the said act approved the 10th of April 1850 and the orders and de-crcosof the Court of Common Pleasof Franklin County and purchased or hereafter to be purchosecl under the authority of any law of tho State of Maryland authorizing tho sale thereof which conveyance or conveyances shall be recorded in tlie office of the Recorder of deeds of Franklin County and shall vest in said corporation all the said estates lands Total $740011000 From this deduct the probable amount of gold and silver brought into tho country by emigrants at $10000000 leaves the sum of $04000000 as the balance againstthc United tor tfDUU Weckly Review of Philadelphia Markets PHILADELPHIA April 10 11363 FLOUR AND Receipts of Flour continue light bui there is very liillc dcuiDiid for shipment most Jacob Oyer At Hie soil' Itiliou i-I niv Iriemlsl ni-for myself ns Candida le for the Offlee nf THKA0VRXB subject to the derision of the Whig nominating Convention If nominated nnd elected I will use tny lust efforts tn discharge the duties of Ihe Office correctly nnd with fidelity Montgomery fr Jan 13 1ST3 JOHN HASSLKK pOUNTY TREASURER To the Wh ViAfr fit Franklin (ntnlij ---Kellow-eitiiens I nn-nounre mvsell' your consid-rulion as a Candidal for Ilia Office of COUNTY TREAPURKIt subject to the decision of the Whig Nominal lug Convention If noniinsbd and eWt-ed I pledge myself Ui disehargo the duties ir the Offka rnilhfully and impartially KOBKKT 8UAKI1 Qreen township Jan 27 1861L SIIIKIpTAI'V-7M Whigs nj Franklin Qnatff Fnl loir-d tiara i Having been encouraged by many friends I present mvself to your consideration for Ihe offlc Of SH3SHIY? subject to Ihe derision of the Whig County Convention Should 1 receive the nomination nnd majority of the suffrages of my bllnwcltlienj I pledg mvself to use mv best exertions In a faithful dim harM of the duties ofthe Offlee JAMES McKLHLN FnnnelUbnrg April Not 'Fast' Ladies Three young ladies of Wayne county New York belonging to a party known there ns temperance Bloomere were invited week before last by a couple of young gentleman to accompany them in nn evening sleigh ride They assented with a Motion for a now trial The jury in thiscasc bad-found $1104 2S for plff States towards the settlement of which we liavo as the official record of the cxportations above the importations $37000000 of gold ol the slock jieine limited abovu the views o( buycra nnd some StKMIaiMfOtl bbls FlourTMily hnve been disposed John McDowell Adm of Jacob Myers dee'd for csporl lor lair nn ycc' siL2t or selected and alter brands the market how-vcr closes dull lo-dny and ihe only snlc wc henr ol'is inU silver ana the lialuna ul UUUUUU for non-pcrforniancc of contract between plff 1 ran co three of Austria two of Spain two of Portugal one of Belgium one of England and one of Prussia Twenty-seven cardinals (all Italians) reside in the city of Rome and participate under the pope in ihe spiritual government of'thc Roman Catholic Church and in the temporal government of the Pontifical States J8STIn Germany according the latest advices there is a great demand for Auierican eagles on the part of intending emigrants to the United States and it appears that the numbers likely to cross the Atlantic this lias no doubt been liquidated by the remittance of Federal State and other stocks 0IK) hlils siruichi hruud rcporlcd ui 'i per hid lltv Flour is genrce but the demand is limited nnd sonic further smnll snlcs hnve been made principully ui Anybody can sec with hall an eye that this statement of tho balanco shoot must shortly be brought to a close Wc may bo able to get along while the stocks of the Qoneral and and Jacob Myers dee'd The court directed the pill" to release $li 28 which wos done anrljndgmcnt stands for plff for $1000 George Grove surviving Thiswnsaccr-Adm'rof Grccnawalt dee'd tiorariitoJohn plff in error Scheiblo vs Justice of (he Samuel Rcishcr deft in error Peace Tho facts of the case arc as follows Mr Rcishcr brought suit about 18 months ngo against Mr Grove as Adiu'r of Mr Grccnnwalt nnd Mr Grove by direction of the heirs plead the statute of limitation before the Justice who gave At the felicitation of my Si promise that they were not to be taken to any tavern where liquor was sold The vehicle was accordingly driven up and the ladies imagined that their winhes were complied with After a drive of tivo or six miles the sleigh hauled up at a public house where liquor was sold One of the ladies requested the bar-keeper not to sell tho party any liquor This was not heeded The three ladies then called for a private room and supper refusing to return home with their drivers remained ail night and next morning walked home a distance of nearly six miles Y) Star iK 1 -(br mv it Ho- 1-i- i I i nk lin State governments and municipal improvement companies arc taken in settlement but the reckoning day will arrive That will be lidalc for Ihe Office nrsilKltlc siilirrt lo the de- year are greater than ever There is reason loonry day and must result eithtT in repu to believe that the movement is limited only by the inability of the people to meet the cx-penso of their passage and by tho difficulties diation or a burden of taxation upon the people which they will be unable to bear especially in Austria which are thrown in believe one nl tin1 irrcatcst misfortunes tenements powers privileges franchises and advantages and the said President and Managers are hereby further authorized to pay for the said grants and conveyances either in cash stock or securities of said Company such an amount as may bo agreed upon by the said President and Managers if by thein deemed expedient That all the provisions of the original act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Franklin Railroad Company" and the several supplements thereto except so far as the same may have been hereby altered or supplied shall be and they arc hereby declared to be extended and applied to the Company to be erected and created under the provisions of this act as fully and effectually as if the same were herein specifically recited and re-enacted in relation thereto and that the said Chambcrsburg Grconcastle aud Ilagerstown Railroad Company are hereby invested with all tho powers and privileges heretofore by law conferred upon the Chambcrsburg and Ilagerstown Railroad Company I 7 That the Company hereby directed to bo incorporated shall bo required to relay the said Railroad from Chambcrsburg by Green-castle to Ilagerstown within eighteen months from the date of the letters patent hereby directed to be issued llicir way by Uovmimcnt and which are al Hjfiii of the Whig County Convention and msperifnlly solicit your support JACOH BROWN Kayetlerllle Jan 20 1853: Being enoonwiged by my friends 1 offer myself to Ihe Whigs of Franklin comity for the office of PHKKIFP subject to the derision of the Whig County Convention and respectfully solicit ynnr friendly consideration FRANCIS A SAITOH Unllford township Jan 20 ta SHERIFFALTY To the Whigs of the Ortrn "jot I announce myself judgment for deft The case stood thusuntilre- which has ever happened to the Country was most insurmountable IIuw long the safotv- CQB passu Ol the anil act 01 1Mb hat valve of emiirration can be stunned bv tho per bid Com Mint is more hruily held but ihcre i- not much inquiry for export nnd only about 1000 bhU Fcnn MenI hnv been tuken In lots in per bbl The following arc the inspections for the week 13HU bids Wheat Flour 100 Rye do 1100 bblo Corn Mcut utid 40 puncheons do There is very liillc Whrni coming in nnd priced hnve further improved ihe receipts some 2-11 MM or 25000 bushels having found ready sale ol 8lleu8l20 for prime Penil while Sl15nllfl for mixed mid $112a 113 for good nnd prime reds Thu hulk ofihe snles were nt our highest figures for shipment K'je is sicndy and firm wuh further smnll snlcs of Fcnn ni fclnfcflc principally tttSSo Corn is less active and lowur nnd with Win receipts some lStKJO or 20000 bushels sold nt fiita (He for good Southern and PenO yellow closing wilh Kood demand nl the lutier rme Oat nre nl niiher lower mid 12000 to 15000 bushels sold nt 421nl3c fat Penum There is very liitle Clovmttd offering or Felling and the market is dull some 20U or 300 PBJbeu sold in lols nt $in7 per hus closing nt ihc former rme lYmottw and Flazsttd nre nlso very dull We ipiotcihe former at $2a2 25 mid the loiter at SlIOal15 per bushel WHISKEY is moving oil" freely at 231 els for bbls 221 cu for lihds and 2U tor drudge casks CATTLE Trie demand for Beef Cnitle is more iieiivc and prices nre well maintained Sales were mode gfl50 to 89 per 100 lbs Cows and All sold nt io36 for Milch Cows 814n25 lor Springers and $ru 15 for Dry Cows There was heller demand Ihis week iban last and prircs were lolly Sales were made al per 100 lbs Micep nud The market this week was well supplied Sales a from $350 lo 750 each as iu quality act disables us from competition with the low latter country without leading to mischief is cently when rule wns issued by thclustice nnd served upon Mr Grove requiring him to appear and show cause why the judgment given iu his favor should not be opened Mr Grove believing that the Justice had no power to open the in interesting problem he condition of the pneca labor ot fair-ope and has transferred our work-shops abroad They manufacture for us and every year ouf indebtedness to them must be increased But tho cud will ill ii ns a candidate for the l'flU judgment after so long a time had elapsed dis HI Kill IT of Fra the next Whig sportfully solicit llelng deender ikiln c*ntv lo the decision of initiating County Convention) and te-'ur confidence and support upon my daily efforts for support I ifflre at your hands a crest favor and come working classes is daily becoming more severe and iu most of the principal manufacturing towns of Bohemia the wages of a large number of artisans have been stated in a recent report from the authorities of the place not to exceed a half-penny (one cent) a day wouni would ndeavor lo dl-cbarge its responsible dulb-s wilh i ss and fidelity JOHN KAl'FFMAN astir Jsnusry r' tr jBtay At Florence some years ago it was proclaimed that every beggar who would ap-poav in tho grand plaza at a certain mentioned time would be provided by the duke with a new suit of clothes free of cost At the appointed time the beggars of tho city all upscmbled and the grand duke causing all the avenues to the square to be closed compelled the beggars to strip ofT their clothes and gave each one according to promise a new suit In the old clothes thus collocted enough money was found concealed to build a beautiful bridge over the Arno still called The Beggars' Bridge" and the city for the time being was relieved of the beggars by which it had been previously overrun as none would give U) the well-dressed individuals who implored charity not believing their tale of distress Removals and Appointments The axe of 1 1 I FA LT To the Whigs of Frank S1 the executioner falls rapidly and stcadilv ofT-r m'df to vonr r- n-t-lersUon ss a official heads are dropping daily from rami Hate forHI FI! 1 FF subject lo be decision of the big County Convention If nominated and elected I will ndeavor to diwbnrge th- duties of the Offlee wilh fidelity Oiinrv township Jan la- DAVID FTP KB Beimz eoootrraged hy SHERIFFALTY- Maine to Oregon The Whigs everywhere submit to their fato like men and philosophers and neither the victims nor the press cry out "proscription" No such wail goes up as in lo4S when a few dozen Locofocos got their walking papers There is nostrug- the County 1 aaniMacaflto my frl'-nils througho tho Whig of tbn "Orctn m- aesadi- ofT-r my HIKKIFr suojsct uj mc uirmwuw DVOBtloat Ii3 JOHN WILHON date the Un- II big 0 llcrcersbi le on the part of Whiff Office-holders to re Weekly Rerlew of the Kaltlmo re Market BALTIMOHK April Ifl IBM FLOl'R On Monday ihc Ffaur nnrset opened wilh snlcs of 200 hhla nt $4-7l and closed dull in this rule On Tuesday the market wns quiet wilh snlcs of 150 bbls at On Chance there seemed to he no disposition loopernic Ou Wednesday the market became quiic firm nnd sales of (0O bids straight brands were made a -M7- The slock of K'onr in market for sale If lichl bul there is considerable stock nn BtoraRe for which holders anliririaic better rales-On Thursday ihe market remained firm wilh sales of U50 bbls nt Some stunll sales al rate a little above Oils were made To-day ihe market i nnseilled from ihe effects of ihc steamer's news We note a small sale at fM-? Kyt Flour SnJea ai Tbe ia tain place and no trimming of sails to retain power and patronage Cleveland Herald A FxMALl Voter A woman has been sent Ai the solicitation of a Hamilton township li 1RW- James Of Mr Buchanan tho new Minister to England the New York Herald gives the following personal sketch Mr Buchanan has completed his sixty-second year having been born in Franklin County Pennsylvania on the 13th of April 1791 He studied the profession of law in his native State was elected to the House of Representatives in 1814 and re-elected in the following year He was elected to Congress in 1820 and continued as a member of the House till March 1831 Ho declined farther puhlic service and retired into private life but he did not long enjoy his retirement as in May 1831 he was offered and accepted the mission to Russia After his return I rum that-mission he was in 1834 elected to the Son-ate of the US to fill an unexpired term and was subsequently re-elected in 1836 and 1842 President Polk in March 1845 called Mr Buchanan into the Cabinet and until the closft of that administration he held the office of Secretary of State It is a little Singular says the Portland Advertiser that of five of the Presidential one Webster is dead another nnd the successful candidate lost his little boy soon after his election by a most distressing accident and his own and wife's lives regarded the rule and did not attend and judgment was given ngainst him for $7352 and costs Upon this judgment the ccrtiorarn wns issued and all proceedings of the justice after the first judgment reversed by the court upon tho ground that the Justice had no power to Open the judgment first given by him against Mr Reisher the plff before him Tavern Licences There were 4S tavern licenses granted last week to the following persons: Wm Ellinger James Montgomery John Noel Dan Trostle Ellen Croft Hebccea Fisher Liindis John Taylor and Beaver Chambersbarg John Euhn Funkstown Dan Desert and Hugh Sibbet Waynesboro': Hollar Grccncostle Wm Holland Fayctte-villc Josiah Allen nnd John Gordon Hamilton tp: Culbcrtson Fnnnet tp Wynkoop Roxbury Wm Bnrd Orrstowu Wm liralton St Thomas ip Win Hcuncbcrgcr Antrim tp: Isaac Wcngly Upton John Trehr and James Mullen London John Shaffer John Rrindle John Bowernuuiter nnd Charles Gillcn St Thomns Joseph Allsep ami Ellis Hampton Peters tp4 Han Miller Funkstown Samuel Pflsoix Marion: John Murphy Mercers burg Kcgrice Jesse Jones and Samuel Straily Fannettslmrg Jacob Klliott Montgomery tp lbivid Guyer and Wm Scriba Lcttcr-kenuy tp: John Wolff t'lny Lick Hall Anron Rigner and Zullinger Strasburg Samuel Foreman Dry Run Mellinger Fayettcvillc Wm Scott Greenwood Geo Anderson Quiney Jacob Brumbaugh and Wm Martin Middlcburg Liceubc was refused to Wm McNcal of Execution of avis Gribn James Green convicted of the murder of Samuel Mars was executed within the walls of the Jail of this County on Friday last the 15th inst at 10 minutes past 2 o'clock The gallows was erected at the southern end of the Jail hall To this from his coll the criminal was taken at 1 o'clock attended by Rev Mr McCollum of the Moth Episp Church A very impressive and appropriate prayer was then made by the Rov gentleman the prisoner and all others present kneeling Upon the conclusion of the religious ceremonies the rope was adjusted and Green addressing himself to Sheriff Scott said in a firm and distinct voice I hope God may have mercy upon mc and receive me and be with you all" He was then swung off and after a momentary struggle died The entire nrocccdinirs were characterised I offer to jail at Cincinnati for twenty days on brood and water for voting in one of the wards of that city at the late election by dressing in male attire and passing herself off as a man IT tnrtrlf voir enMiIeraia a vanoriate ir perilous for the week nre 'JO 41 bbls nnd -W half bids Wheal Flour 0 bids Rye Flour and 473 bbls Com Meal GRAIN Whrnt On Mondny ihe sales of Md reda were at IU5al Hi els for fair lo nrime nnd of fair to cood Mihjet U- the 'I-i-IW ol Ile In Fatality or French Km presses From the wives of Charlemagne down to the marriage of Louis Napoleon says the University Magazine some sixty-scvon in all of the royal and imperial consorts there are but thirteen on wliose names there is no dark stain of sorrow or sin Eleven were divorced two died by the executioner seven were very early widoed three were cruelly traduced three were exiles thirteen were bad in different degrees of evil the prisoners and the heart-broken make up the rest About twenty were buried at St Denis who were denied the rest of the grave their tombs were broken their coffins opened their remains ex- self lo dls- S500 nor nnnum N-tm- eoklv S300 two it appears that She attempted to vote a sec wn'oiii'-n I 1 1 it T- rorjsa copies $500 ten copies $2000 Weekly $20 white- at 10'U2 els and ncargoot Feun red ai IO-all0 TM dutb of the Offl to ihe Deal cH Bl els The reeeipis have since been very small and far rrTBrm" Jaugl BPBBAJM lion of the demand prices have accordingly improved I BBIBa(BaBBBSaBKMsaBaaaBaBaaaaaaaaBBNBiHBBSH inlin ond time when her vote wns challenged a row ensued and her hat being knocked off her sex was discovered and she was arrested eight copies $1000 twenty copies $2000 Payments always in advance Subscriptions TOOTH ACHE An infallible Remedy for Ti-Hi Arbe Hpongy Ourn Hon- Month Ururvr and ncvllenl 1-rrjoraUon far presrrvinj the TEXTB far A Win Saw ABB The late Amos Law ann io-iay trc rpiole mir lo pnme nu si nrmu Dm wiih sale and fnmily flour whiles at 115 cts to I'JOeis or more for strictly prime pnrcels Peun red if here would hrinjr 1 lJ cts nnd whites llnl I el Orm On Monday the sales of Md while were nl WsK rtsandof yellow 'at On Vednesday sales of while a4 -VJ i-1 at 'y'-n'r- n- To-day sales" white at WaVI cls and of yellow al 385? ci Detnasal M'e st if- 1'ru? MM ''3-1 AJ MI11KI1 A new articlt) of will bo received at this office jt- Col Hxcn has retired from the Tus carom Register and his late partner A Bonsai Esq is now sole editor and propri rence of Boston gavr away during his life more than five hundred thousand dollars Un his pocket-book wns "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world ana lose his own soul" T7OK TJIK LA hi KS posca to tne insults oi a nnwipww Inin ironi-h nnd rover- Rood is scarce and wanted at Ho eu or at Ue I liruvk-L just non by the utmost decorum whilst the perfect res- i lace and then Hung manifested by Green and the manly ed with quicklime 1 i tk 1 tbesup Jewelry Store of more Wr quote IVim at WmVi cts of nrime lols at Per Jo at 221 a The sales of bids have etor The Col is an energetic Locofoco and AlOHIMtU'On i nil its- various branch" fr ami rFhip ti-ble rates UUsCaxdaC-If ilealiad Bull Fight via lately advertised at Placcrvillc Cab but the Americans not liking firmness he displayed awakened in a groat degree the BjmpatbJbfl of all those who were present His remains were interred in the evening upon the Poor-House land Gettysburg Sent JOB PKIXTINt i dooe at tbe rhorWt and mt re I cularSf A' 1 were saved almost miraculously wnue tno third fourth and fifth viz: Fillmore Cass and Douglas have each had to mourn the lose of their wives since the canvass Surely death strikes in high places Tiif Mwnk Law Khic Island Connecticut Vermont Maine MaasachusettK and Minnesota have all given popular majorities against the sale of ardent spirits cents Sales of hlids at it! cis There were oflerrd nt the Scale Hinn-I Price ranged from sWJSmT on the hoof equal to JOa35 net and avcraBiof 7 -ro Wc quoic nominally al bWJsW1 deserves well of his party Wo wish our young friend who succeeds him abundant prosperity this Spanish amusem*nt lasfloed the bull whipped the mutodorcs nud tore down the building I 9sEilnlHalH JBH HBaiaiaBBiaiaiaiaiaiaial.

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About Franklin Repository and Chambersburg Whig Archive

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Franklin Repository and Chambersburg Whig from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


Who was the Confederate general who burned the town of Chambersburg Pennsylvania? ›

On July 30, 1864, Confederate troops entered the south central Pennsylvania town of Chambersburg. Their commander General John McCausland demanded from the residents $100,000 in gold or $500,000 in cash. When the residents refused to pay, he ordered his troops to burn the town.

What was significant about the burning of Chambersburg Pennsylvania? ›

One officer, Colonel William Peters, staunchly refused to take part in the burning. McCausland had him placed under arrest. Chambersburg was the only Northern town the Confederates destroyed. The attack inspired a national aid campaign and spurred the Union Army to the aggressive approach that finally won the war.

Who was the founder of Chambersburg PA? ›

Benjamin Chambers's great-uncle [?], the more famous Colonel Benjamin Chambers (1708-1788), founded the town of Chambersburg, Pa.; his son, Colonel James Chambers (1744-1805), commanded the noted First Pennsylvania Regiment.

What are some interesting facts about Chambersburg PA? ›

Chambersburg's settlement began in 1730, when water mills were built at Conococheague Creek and Falling Spring Creek. The town developed on both sides of these creeks. Its history includes episodes relating to the French and Indian War, the Whiskey Rebellion, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, and the Civil War.

What Civil War site was near Chambersburg PA? ›

Thirty-seven miles south of Chambersburg, Union and Confederate forces clashed at the Battle of Antietam, near Sharpsburg, the first battle on Union territory. About 400 of the wounded were transported by Cumberland Valley Railroad cars to Chambersburg for care in makeshift hospitals.

Who was the first Union soldier killed in Pennsylvania? ›

William Rihl, a 21-year-old Philadelphia native, and Sergeant Milton Cafferty rode out in front of the house to reconnoiter, the Confederates fired a volley at point-blank range. Cafferty suffered a serious leg wound; Rihl was struck in the head and died instantly, the first Union soldier killed on Pennsylvania soil.

What buildings survived the burning of Chambersburg? ›

Some of the key buildings that survived the fire were the Masonic Temple and the Old Franklin County Jack. Confederate guarded the Masonic Temple and refused to let his comrades burn that building. “Remember Chambersburg!” became a battle cry for some Union units in 1864.

Who won the battle of Chambersburg? ›

DateOctober 10, 1862–October 12, 1862
LocationWestern Maryland South Central Pennsylvania
ResultConfederate victory

In what town in Pennsylvania did a three day battle occur from July 1 3 1863? ›

T he Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War.

What is the sister city of Chambersburg PA? ›

Sister City - Gotemba, Japan.

Who were the early settlers of Franklin County, PA? ›

The Frontier

Scots-Irish, German, and Welsh immigrants settled throughout Franklin County, establishing homesteads and hamlets in Chambersburg, Greencastle, Mercersburg, Shippensburg, and Waynesboro.

What is the crime rate in Chambersburg PA? ›

Chambersburg Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes56507
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)2.5322.87

What is the race population in Chambersburg PA? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Chambersburg, PA are White (Non-Hispanic) (66.5%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (9.28%), White (Hispanic) (7.76%), Other (Hispanic) (5.47%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (4.32%).

How was Chambersburg PA involved in the Civil War? ›

On July 30, 1864, Brigadier General John McCausland and 2,800 Confederate cavalrymen entered Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, rang the Courthouse bell to gather citizens and read a ransom demand of $100,000 in gold or $500,000 in Yankee currency or else the town would be burned in retaliation for the destruction committed ...

Is Chambersburg, PA a good place to live? ›

Chambersburg is a pleasant area to live and work in. It is a larger town in PA so there is a diverse range of good and bad within the town. It is very easy to commute and walk within the town, there are larger city-like areas that offer plenty of real estate and job opportunities.

Who was the Confederate general killed by friendly fire? ›

The Civil War Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia began on May 1, 1863. The next day, while reconnoitering with members of his staff, Jackson was accidentally fired upon by his own troops. The 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was responsible for the "friendly fire" incident. Jackson was struck by three .

Who was the Confederate general who invaded Pennsylvania? ›

Union Maj. Gen. George Meade's Army of the Potomac defeated attacks by Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, ending Lee's attempt to invade the North.

Who was the Confederate general at the Battle of Franklin? ›

Kurz & Allison lithograph of the Battle of Franklin. After the fall of Atlanta in 1864, Union armies began making their way towards the Carolinas, as Confederate General John Bell Hood regrouped and moved his army north into Tennessee.

Which confederate general from West Virginia was responsible for the burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania during the Civil War? ›

The Confederate raid would be led by General John McCausland, and consist of his own brigade and that of Bradley Johnson; perhaps 2,800 men and 4 cannons in all. McCausland assembled his force in the panhandle of West Virginia, and then crossed the Potomac at McCoy's Ford on the morning of July 29.

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